Loss of Parent

United States
November 26, 2006 10:50pm CST
I lost my mother 14 monthes ago. It seems like I can not seem to shake it. My brother is about to be 15. I am only 26 and I was 7 1/2 monthes pregnant with my baby girl that my mother will never get to meet. I feel alone and depressed 1/2 the time and not sure how to shake this feeling of being alone. When my grandparents die I will feel completely cut off from my mother as they are my link to her in a way
5 responses
@Madhabi (90)
• India
27 Nov 06
I lost my mother in 1989. I was married for only a year and a half then. At the time I was devasted as also my sister and father. With time the pain reduces but never goes away. How can a part of your life go away. You just learn to go on with life - what else can you do? Earlier, each and everything would remind me of her and bring tears to my eyes, now I can remember her and the good times without crying. That does not mean that I miss her any less, it is just that I have accepted that she has gone. And of course there are many things and occasions when you wish she was there to share with you.
• United States
27 Nov 06
Mom - This is my mom - May 7 2006
This was 5 monthes before she passed away I am going to include another pictures taken 3 weeks before she passed away you can see the difference
• United States
27 Nov 06
You can see the huge difference in the way she looked from may to september - this one is the last picture taken of her at my moms friends wedding
• India
28 Nov 06
Yes, she seemed so full of life! Strange are the ways of God!
@Niggywm (308)
• Latvia
27 Nov 06
I lost my father when i was 13, but we was not very close, so... I am very sorry about you really, I even can't imagine how terrible you feel, my mother is my best friend I don't want even think about time when i will loose her...
@Niggywm (308)
• Latvia
29 Nov 06
ohhhh :( yes, i can understand that. I am so sorry about your loss :(
• India
27 Nov 06
i can just say.its very sad
@kaspyv (1011)
• United States
27 Nov 06
sweetie everyone feels the same way after losing a parent. its normal. i lost my dad in 1983 and my mom in 1984 and my only brother in 1992...i still feel the loss, but it gets easier with time.my grandkids never got to meet my mom and dad and i really regret that but they see lots of pictures and hear lots of stories so that makes it easier too.....i also lost my husband of 23 yrs in 2003..i still miss him so much but,my life goes on just as he would have wanted it to do. give time a chance...it really does help...just remember all the good times..."BIG HUGS" SWEETIE
@1fatpig (785)
• Australia
29 Nov 06
Yes Its hard when we lose someone we love so much I think everybody handles it diffrently I lost my mother to cancer back in 1972 I was 12 at the time.. I only keep sweet memories of her GOD BLESS HER ..... GOD BLESS YOU and your brother .. Take care ...