Have You Ever Thought About What You Are Thinking? Has Negative Thinking Kept You From Being Your Best Self?

September 6, 2017 11:14am CST
Have you ever thought about what you're thinking about yourself? I can't do that. I am not smart enough. So and so said, that great idea I had was stupid. So I won't do it. I am to ugly. I am not small enough. I'm not big enough. I use to be like that. Until I changed my thought process. When I stopped listening to the negative thoughts about myself which were coming from myself and others. Mostly myself. My confidence level started to kick in. I reminded myself that I am in charge of what I think. I learned that I can not stop the negative thoughts from coming into my head. But I don't have to allow them to fester. I am a child of God. He did not make me a negative person. I am special. I am intelligent. No matter my size. I'm fine. Our state of mind can make us or break us. How we feel and think about ourselves determines how successful we will be. We have so many gifts on the inside of us that we are missing out on because of our negative thinking. So I challenge you to think about what you are thinking about yourself. And see what you come up with. Think About It!!
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