Newest Gaming Systems

United States
November 27, 2006 8:12pm CST
With all of the newest gaming systems on the market, and now that everyone has had at least a few days to test them, if not more, what do you think will be the dominant? Obviously we have xbox fanatics who have gears of war and are anticipating Halo3, but we all know that the PS3 has more processing power than the 360, and if sony can release a first person shooter that rivals halo, Microsoft is in a world of hurt. But for now, they will continue to ride Final Fantasy. On the Wii we have the new innovating controllers system, and i want to know what you think of it, do you think you'll bore of it, because after about 2 hours, i was no longer impressed. But i want your thoughts
1 response
• India
29 Nov 06
sorry hardly hav any idea
• United States
29 Nov 06
Thanks for the response