Jared Kushner referred for criminal investigation

@NJChicaa (116472)
United States
March 5, 2019 7:19pm CST
Two Democrats called for a criminal investigation into Jared Kushner's security clearance. It has been reported that he omitted like 100 meetings with citizens/officials of foreign countries from his security forms and that they had to be amended dozens upon dozens of times. Trump apparently tried to force Chief of Staff John Kelly and White House counsel Don McGahn to approve Kushner's clearance because he didn't want to seem to be favoring his family. When both refused, Trump went ahead and granted both Jared and daughter Ivanka's clearances. Donald Trump is not a smart man but even HE must be realizing now that running for President was the worst thing he ever could have done to his life and to his family. There is so much scrutiny now going into his businesses, their insurance fraud, his collusion with Russia and other countries, his repeated obstruction of justice, etc. There's no way that he is going to get away with all of it, nor will Don Jr., Jared, or Ivanka. (who knows about Eric?)
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3 responses
6 Mar 19
Mostly, in politics your peaceful life before entering in such "job" will be change.. Living a normal life also means dealing with normal problems... But entering politics you have to deal not only normal issues but always issues regarding everything.. Im not an american but i once in that kind of job.. Before making a decision u have to consider both sides... And u must be prepared after declaring it into public.. You cant please everybody.. And critics are everywhere.. They will question and criticize the decision u made.. And worse scenario is that they sue u after your term of service.
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@NJChicaa (116472)
• United States
6 Mar 19
If he had just stayed in his business, he would have kept getting away with a life of crime.
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6 Mar 19
Take note of this guiyz...no matter how much criticism his dealing today, next election he will run as president again.. And he will win... Well this is the thing that i added in my listing, waiting for the answer if its true or not..
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@NJChicaa (116472)
• United States
6 Mar 19
@Piscean22 He likely won't still be in office by then.
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@xander6464 (41011)
• Wapello, Iowa
6 Mar 19
I was really hoping that Ivanka, Don Jr and Eric would be arrested first, ideally all together but if it's Jarrod, I can live with that. For lying all those times on all those applications. That's got to be some sort of violation...And we've known about it for a long time but now that it's a major story again, I hope it ends in at least one arrest. Donald Trump is not a smart man but even HE must be realizing now that running for President was the worst thing he ever could have done to his life ----Even after he was elected, I gave Trump credit for being much smarter than he is. I predicted that he would pick some stupid excuse and refuse to be sworn in simply because everything he had ever done would be exposed. Boy, did he prove me wrong. He is just as dumb as he looks.
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@xander6464 (41011)
• Wapello, Iowa
6 Mar 19
@NJChicaa You had a front row seat to many of his failures.
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@NJChicaa (116472)
• United States
6 Mar 19
We in NJ have known that for decades. He bankrupted multiple casinos.
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@RasmaSandra (74555)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
6 Mar 19
Sounds like a pot full of rotten fish simmering away and constantly letting out a very bad smell.
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