Time Travel Machine is Being Built!

United States
December 28, 2019 12:09pm CST
If past and future time travels are possible, what time or year do you want to be? If I could go back to the past through a Time Travel Machine, I wanted to be in the time when Adam & Eve were seduced by the serpent. That way, I might have warned them not to eat the forbidden fruit. So, mankind can then live happily ever after. No more wars, no more miseries, etc. But then, I just realize ... what role should I be in that time? There were only two people (i.e. Adam & Eve) who were just created by the Creator (God). I was not supposed to be there in that time. They must be so shock and could be faint if I just appeared in front of them. Then, I thought the Time Travel Machine was only applicable for the future time travels. Let's say the machine enables mankind to travel 200 years from now. It means that all of us will be more than 200 years old by then. Is it possible? Can we cheat on our judgement days? If so, it will be so great! No more judgement days for all men. We simply go back in the past or go to the future to avoid it. In your opinion, is a time travel possible? Is there any flaw with regard to my thinking above? Can we melt the time? If not, there is a melting clock home decor (yes, it is just as a decor as shown in the picture) that we can have or buy. Perhaps, we can then reveal the mystery of time in the near future.
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2 responses
@happylife1 (13404)
• Karachi, Pakistan
28 Dec 19
things are going to be more clear due to technology
• United States
28 Dec 19
Technology can make things clear. But do you think Time Travel Machine is feasible?
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@happylife1 (13404)
• Karachi, Pakistan
28 Dec 19
@WackyDecor then it will be very very strange
• United States
28 Dec 19
Yes, it is indeed very strange. In my mind now, it can't be possible.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
28 Dec 19
I would love to go back to when my son was still alive.
@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
28 Dec 19
@WackyDecor Thank you for your kind words.
• United States
28 Dec 19
I am sorry to hear about your son though. But I am sure he knows you really love him. Spirit can see us anytime and anywhere without being constrained with time.
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