Don't judge!!!

By Beth
January 20, 2020 11:03pm CST
Judging another, the more and harder one will suffer. Causing another pain is nothing another should do. Making fun of other's, calling them name's, could ruin a life, cause one to give up, make them commit suicide, or attempt it. You don't know one's story, or what they are going through, or what they already survived,or faced. some carry pain nobody knows, fighting back tears just to make it through the day, let it out when no one is around. Not everyone has a family, or someone to care, some walk alone, with no hope, no place to go, nowhere to turn. Kind word's could make another's day, make them feel good, give them hope, a reason to keep going, and to hang on. Don't kick one,when they are already on the ground, lend a helping hand, lift them up. Swallow your pride, who cares who thinks what about you. Helping another, is the right thing to do, good thing's will come, too those who do good, live life right and karma will shine bright as ever. Do people wrong be prepared to pay the price, you will get what you deserve, and have coming. No escaping, no running away. Don't get pleasure from others pain, we only get a short time here, why waste time hurting each other, or tearing one another down. Helping each other building them up, bringing peace, showing love, is what its all about. A little reaching out, could go along way, help when needed, know the signs,hear the cries. We never know who may need us, who may need to hear a kind word, or two. Or when they need someone there just to care. Life isn't fair, we all go through our share of hardships, and problems, having support makes the pain much better to ease. Thing's can change in a blink of an eye, you never know when you may need one to be there, or when your loved one may be affected, and need support. It's never too late to change, live right and make away to help other's, we get ONE chance, once were gone it's over,and done too late. Don't suffer the consequences for something that could have been prevented, don't live with regret when you could have lived right. You never know who just may need you, or who may be depressed,wanting to end it all, don't be the one to push them. Be the one too show them they are worth more, the fight is worth it, the hurt will go away, show them the way to the better day's ahead. Say something nice, Do something good, show the broken, they can be repaired, it's only temporary, hearts can heal. Follow your heart, be the better person, you just don't know who's life you could be saving, don't ask questions,or judge, it's not our place. By: Elizabeth Smith
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5 responses
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
22 Jan 20
Who is Elizabeth Smith? Is that you?
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Jan 20
@Beth187 You have a great wisdom, Elizabeth.
25 Jan 20
Yes I'm Elizabeth Smith!
@DianneN (247205)
• United States
21 Jan 20
I agree! I wish others could stop by here and read your post!
1 person likes this
25 Jan 20
Thank you means alot!!
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@DianneN (247205)
• United States
25 Jan 20
@Archie0 (5640)
21 Jan 20
I have gone through bullying most of my life. From school being a teenage to my work place being an adult or even being a wife. Judging someone, making fun of someone and putting someone down leaves a very big dent on their life which can never be recovered. I can say that from my life and the big dent I have on my heart.
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• Agra, India
21 Jan 20
Yeah...just do our deeds. The rest shall follow
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@ExplorewtMe (6333)
• Nairobi, Kenya
21 Jan 20
Yes, you are very correct. Helping others is good thoughts.
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