Do Not Discount A Slow Day on MyLot

@porwest (79028)
United States
January 25, 2020 10:39am CST
I have read a couple of posts recently mentioning that it seems to be a bit of a slow day on MyLot today. And I would actually have to agree with that. It IS slow here today. But don't discount a slow day on MyLot. At the end of the day, the notifications last for seven days, and so someone you have responded to will likely eventually find your response and respond to you. Just may not be today, or even two days from now. But most likely the "work" you do today will eventually be found and be rewarded. Not finding many new posts to respond to? There are still hundreds of thousands, if not millions of older posts. Scroll down and start finding posts you probably have missed. Slow or not, if you still want to be on here, BE on here. The reward may not be immediate, but it WILL be eventual, and that still matters. There's lots to do on here, even if you have to do a little more digging on a slow day like today.
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19 responses
@marlina (154165)
• Canada
25 Jan 20
I do visit older posts often.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
25 Jan 20
I do often as well. I actually wish I did it MORE often, but some days there is enough new content, and I get caught up in a lot of that.
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Jan 20
A frequent case is what is a slow day for one member is a busy one for another member. I have read those posts about it being a slow day and I am experiencing a high day. You can be on here closely monitoring and earn far less than the surprise amount that pops up after an extended break. It all balances in the long run.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
26 Jan 20
You have a point there. I cannot disagree with it. In fact, right after I posted it all of a sudden things picked up. It might just be that my previous post sucked.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
25 Jan 20
Have you become admin's assistant? :-)
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
26 Jan 20
@porwest Happy reading! This is my 500th post on myLot. You will be occupied for some time reading all of them. Of course, they're all worth reading! :-) Thank you also for making me stinking rich with the money you're flushing into my piggy bank.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
26 Jan 20
I have not, but if you want to make a recommendation, I may be interested in the position. BTW, I have your profile scheduled for trolling. So, I may be on many of your posts for a bit. May take me a bit longer to troll yours since your posts tend to be longer. But you are on my radar.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
26 Jan 20
@MALUSE Always willing to help someone become stinking rich.
@LindaOHio (161112)
• United States
25 Jan 20
Older posts won't do it for me since I never miss a post from those that I follow. I use the "Follows" "Their Discussions"; and I go back to the last Discussion that I answered and move forward. I could go read Discussions from those that I don't follow.
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@LindaOHio (161112)
• United States
25 Jan 20
@porwest If you use the "Follows" "Their Discusssions" you can't miss anyone unless you can't remember where you left off...
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
26 Jan 20
@LindaOHio I have been trying to use that section more often, but 99% of the time it is Most Recent Activity where you will find me hanging out.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
25 Jan 20
I am sure there must be some discussions you have missed. Especially from people you may not keep as close an eye on. But even with those I follow personally, I usually can find quite a bit to read and comment on.
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@KityCat (7589)
• India
25 Jan 20
You have point there.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
25 Jan 20
I think sometimes people just expect an immediate result and forget that eventually people WILL be more active later on, and so the work you do NOW may not immediately have a result...but later on you will be glad you spent the time nonetheless.
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@KityCat (7589)
• India
25 Jan 20
@porwest yes that is absolutely right.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
25 Jan 20
@KityCat What's that line from that classic movie? If you build it, they will come. lol
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@Micharica (109)
• Indonesia
27 Mar 20
I'm checking my older post to reply tbh xD
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
29 Mar 20
It's a fun thing to do from time to time here on MyLot. Lots of what I like to call 'hidden gems' that are out there that might be missed unless you go looking for them.
@GardenGerty (158296)
• United States
26 Jan 20
I have one friend I can count on to resurrect some of my older posts. I am often pleasantly surprised to get the notifications about them. I am slow right now, so I do not complain that the site is as well.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
1 Mar 20
I wish more people did that. That is, resurrect older posts. I tend to go back to a lot of my older ones just to make sure I got to all of the this one. I always say, "eventually I do get to them all," and I certainly make an effort to do that when I can. I also go back and delete some of the irrelevant ones too.
• United States
25 Jan 20
You may want to clarify that if people DO look for older discusisons, they need to make sure that person is still a member of mylot... I usually go to the "recent activity" tab and stalk people on the slow days.
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@avi256 (8489)
• Pune, India
17 Feb 20
I am learning that art these days.
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@amadeo (111942)
• United States
25 Jan 20
I will pass on this.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
26 Jan 20
Why will you pass on this? I am confused.
@JudyEv (328645)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Jan 20
Some of my favourite writers have some great discussions back in their histories.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
1 Mar 20
Many do. Yes. I like to find old gems as I like to call them. Plus, it's fun sometimes just to resurrect an old post. I think the writers enjoy that as well.
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@Hannihar (130105)
• Israel
26 Jan 20
@porwest I find people here all the time. People are from all over the world so it depends on the time they are up and come on here.
@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
26 Jan 20
Very true. Not enough hours in the day for me it seems.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
1 Mar 20
I think we all struggle with it a bit at times. There's just so much else that we need to be doing. We can't devote all of our time to this thing.
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@Aleskys (5880)
• Venezuela
25 Jan 20
I'm enjoying mylot, never mind that this slow hehehe
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
25 Jan 20
That's the way to go about it. And like I said, sometimes scrolling down in someone's profile can be a lot more fun than just digging through all the most recent stuff. There are hidden gems down below...slow days cause me to dig deeper for some of them.
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@ExplorewtMe (6332)
• Nairobi, Kenya
25 Jan 20
It may be a slow but hope you are enjoying your day.
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@porwest (79028)
• United States
25 Jan 20
So far so good. I cannot complain.
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@sprite1950 (30453)
• Corsham, England
26 Jan 20
I haven't found it too slow to be honest but there is more to do here than on any other site I know. Sometimes the interaction can be a bit slow but I think that's because of time zones. A lot of people are sleeping when I'm active.
@lovebuglena (43332)
• Staten Island, New York
26 Jan 20
Sometimes I type in a phrase into the search and read/comment on the discussions that come up there. I may search for a specific thing or something random.
@NJChicaa (116592)
• United States
25 Jan 20
Good advice
• Agra, India
25 Jan 20
I agree. But getting less notifications makes us feel uncomfortable
@mrki444 (15150)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
25 Jan 20
Every penny is count.