What a palaver!

@Fleura (29268)
United Kingdom
July 14, 2022 3:48am CST
I have a friend who is gluten-intolerant. This means that a bit of advance planning is required if I want to invite her round for something to eat. I recently came across a recipe for a gluten-free cake in ‘Good Housekeeping’ magazine, and thought I would give it a try. Their recipes are usually pretty good and the ingredients didn’t seem too esoteric, as they sometimes can be in gluten-free cooking. The key requirements were rice flour, polenta and oats, so since I was in the supermarket anyway I thought I would look for those so I could give it a try. Well what a hassle that was! First I looked in the home baking section; I found all kinds of wheat flour from the extra-fine type to the pasta-making sort, malted grains, spelt, even coconut flour… everything except rice flour. Then I tried the section where they have gluten-free foods and finally found the rice flour there. So far so good. Next was polenta… couldn’t find that either. None in the gluten-free section. None in the baking section. The shelves with bulghur wheat, cous cous etc. finally yielded a small pack, but that said it wasn’t suitable for gluten-intolerant consumers. Finally the section of ‘exotic’ foods did have several varieties of cornmeal; the pack of fine cornmeal extolled its virtues as being high in protein and gluten free – but then in the allergy information on the back it said it could be contaminated with gluten, mustard, celery, nuts and a whole host of other allergens. I finally bought that anyway and decided to hope for the best, the quantity needed was very small and I know I have made polenta cake for her before which she really enjoyed and didn’t seem to experience any adverse effects from. Last on the list was gluten-free oats. I looked in the cereal section; the porridge oats we usually buy didn’t say anything about whether or not they might contain gluten, so I had to assume the worst. All the other types either didn’t mention it, or said they were prepared in a facility that also handled wheat. Finally back to the gluten-free section again where after much searching I finally found some gluten-free oats at twice the normal price. What a palaver. And then after all that I found my friend is on holiday until next week! I’ll have to tell you the outcome another day. All rights reserved. © Text and image copyright Fleur 2022.
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11 responses
@DaddyEvil (137183)
• United States
14 Jul 22
You could go ahead and make the stuff you were going to make for her and share it with us on myLot. It would be an interesting experiment, at least.
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@Fleura (29268)
• United Kingdom
14 Jul 22
It was a peach and almond cake - but since she is away I've just eaten the ripe peaches I would have used so I'll have to wait a few more days anyway!
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@DaddyEvil (137183)
• United States
14 Jul 22
@Fleura That's what I would have done, too. Peaches are so good all by themselves.
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@JudyEv (329182)
• Rockingham, Australia
16 Jul 22
@Fleura My sister-in-law turned up with chocolates the other night but can't eat them herself. The ideal guest in my eyes.
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@JudyEv (329182)
• Rockingham, Australia
15 Jul 22
It can be incredibly hard to find some ingredients in stores but I can only imagine how difficult to find specialist items. Well, I don't need to imagine now as you've told me. And fancy her then h having the cheek to go away for a holiday!!
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@Fleura (29268)
• United Kingdom
15 Jul 22
At least now I have two of guaranteed gluten-free ingredients, and more time to look for 'safe' polenta. I'll have to tell you how it goes when I finally do it!
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@Fleura (29268)
• United Kingdom
15 Jul 22
@JudyEv Do you remember when visitors just politely ate whatever was provided? Seriously, I'm so glad to be 'normal' (at least in that respect), I can eat anything and I'm always pleased if someone makes me some food
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@JudyEv (329182)
• Rockingham, Australia
15 Jul 22
@Fleura Some are gluten-intolerant and others have a gluten allergy (coeliac disease) Our DIL is one of the latter and has other issues as well - anxiety/claustrophobia are two of them. In some ways, I'm a bit relieved that she can't come to visit us in Australia. I think we would all hate it.
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@allknowing (131052)
• India
15 Jul 22
That was quite a frustrating mission specially when you say your friend is on holiday.
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@Fleura (29268)
• United Kingdom
29 Jul 22
At least that gave me a bit more time! LOL
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@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
15 Jul 22
I'm thinking that it might be easier to just give her something that is naturally gluten-free like fruit.
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@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
15 Jul 22
@Fleura How about a fruit crumble?
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@Fleura (29268)
• United Kingdom
15 Jul 22
@BelleStarr That's made with flour too. But I had seen this recipe for peach cake that I fancied, so I will give it a go next week.
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@Fleura (29268)
• United Kingdom
15 Jul 22
That is true, or of course I could have just bought some of the gluten-free cookies at the supermarket... but I wanted to try, and I'm going to have to go ahead now anyway because I don't have any other use for rice flour and gluten-free oats!
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@LadyDuck (463393)
• Switzerland
14 Jul 22
Why not to buy a gluten-free wheat flour? There are several brands available here, you use exactly as the normal all purpose flour.
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@LadyDuck (463393)
• Switzerland
29 Jul 22
@Fleura Gluten-free flour gives a bit different taste, but you use it exactly as the common flour. Surely also the alternative flour does not give the same taste as all purpose flour.
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@Fleura (29268)
• United Kingdom
29 Jul 22
I wasn't confident enough to try, I wanted to use the recipe that I thought I could trust.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
14 Jul 22
These people with their special dietary requirements eh!!! Says the near-vegan!! All joking aside I don't know how people with gluten intolerances get by. When you do eventually find suitable products they're ridiculously priced. Surely they should cost less if they are absent an ingredient. I know, I said all joking aside but I couldn't resist that one. The old ones are... well... the old ones!!
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@Fleura (29268)
• United Kingdom
14 Jul 22
It certainly does make life difficult! I'm just glad I don't have any issues, and I'm not fussy, I can eat just about anything. I do wonder what happened to anyone with any problems like this in the Mariupol steelworks siege.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
14 Jul 22
@Fleura In a situation like that voluntary dietary restrictions would possibly have to be forgotten in order to survive. Anything like an allergy or intolerance must make things even more unbearable than they already are.
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@GardenGerty (158382)
• United States
14 Jul 22
That sound like quite a few things to buy. I find stores seem to want to confuse us.
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@wolfgirl569 (98120)
• Marion, Ohio
14 Jul 22
They take advantage of special diets and price the stuff higher. Glad you found everything.
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@Fleura (29268)
• United Kingdom
29 Jul 22
In the end I did find guaranteed gluten-free polenta as well.
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@Ronrybs (17994)
• London, England
14 Jul 22
Shopping has become fun recently. Still, at least you will be all prepared for the visit!
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@Fleura (29268)
• United Kingdom
29 Jul 22
Now I have the ingredients in the cupboard, hopefully I will be able to use them more than once!
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@akanetuk (2136)
14 Jul 22
If she is gluten intolerance that means all the baking ingredient must be free from gluten.
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@Fleura (29268)
• United Kingdom
14 Jul 22
I will ask her about the polenta, and meanwhile I will have another look for some gluten-free stuff.
@Adie04 (17360)
14 Jul 22
Oh yes, those who has allergic and food intolerance like me also need to ask about the foods before eating them.
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