Tyranny of the Elite

August 28, 2022 8:30pm CST
A quick perusal of the people who won the last election in my country (Philippines) look like a motley gallery of politicians who would be fit for rogues gallery in a police precinct. First on the list are competent and honest politicians who have served the public good with rare case of integrity and proficiency but will probably never win again. Either they get eaten by the corrupt system or get rejected by the masses who prefer the the other following type. Second are the reelectionist and the recycled garbage-type who did nothing during their term of office. On the contrary, they simply repackaged their corruption and incompetence and pass it off as accomplishments. And worse, some of these are obvious criminals who never expressed remorse for the blatant sins to the country yet now being raised in the political pedestals as gods, heroes or the new messiah. Yes people, these are the types who spoon-fed us bullshit and we ate every bit of it happily. Then there's the first timers who have traces of corruption in their family lineage and just there to continue the cycle of corruption even more. Sadly, the second and the third type wins the most vote. And will probably win again. It's so sickening that there still exist the slave-master mentality that the voters elect them not as workers but as messiahs that offer fake salvation. I wonder what's wrong? The voters themselves or the system that allows such rogues to win an election and run the country?
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3 responses
• United States
29 Aug 22
You may find that the people who elect the rogues are more of followers than those who think for themselves. It's like here in the U.S., they pass laws and don't think of the effect on the voters. I broke my ankle in 3 places and followed the surgeon's orders. I received 90 pills for pain, which normally would last a month by law. Unfortunately, one of the breaks was a compound break that had to be surgically repaired. I was told by the surgeon that I could take the pain meds every 5 hours. I was in enough pain that I followed the orders. (When I had the surgery, the nurses made sure that I had the pain meds on time, so I didn't suffer) I was sent home without any assistance, so I did what I needed to to control the pain. I tried to refill the prescription and was told I couldn't do so until September 1st. That's by what was passed by our lawmakers to try to control the overuse of prescription meds. UUUHHHHHH, the doctor has to order the prescription, so he has control over how many I get. He and I talked, and he okayed the refill because of the fact that I am still in extreme pain. I'm supposed to start physical therapy, and I won't until I have some control over the pain. All of this is thanks to our lawmakers...the people that our voters voted into office. You need to realize that there are more people that think that they need to vote with the mass, and that they also swallow the B.S. from those rogues that are running for office just because they want a cooshey job.
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@LadyDuck (461823)
• Switzerland
29 Aug 22
I am Italian and in Italy it is not different. Never the honest win elections, always those corrupted, with a lot of money that will continue to make money stealing from the population.
@jstory07 (134736)
• Roseburg, Oregon
29 Aug 22
I think the whole system is broken.