It is smokier than I realized out there

@NJChicaa (116683)
United States
June 30, 2023 9:33am CST
The news said that the smoke from the Canadian wildfires would be returning and yes it has. It looked a bit hazy from inside the apartment. I just went to Wawa to get cash and drove my convertible with the top down. That was when I realized that it is a lot smokier out there than I had thought. I couldn't smell it inside here but I closed the windows and turned on the AC anyway. I have asthma and don't need to be breathing that crap in. I am reconsidering going to the pool today too. Oh well. I guess I got enough sunshine yesterday to last until tomorrow.
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6 responses
@DWDavis (25806)
• United States
30 Jun
We keep hearing the smoke is going to reach us down here in eastern NC but no sign of it so far. There is some high haziness, but I can't tell if it's from the smoke or just the usual summer haze.
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@NJChicaa (116683)
• United States
30 Jun
It was REALLY BAD here a couple of weeks ago when I was still working. The hallways were smoky and my eyes were watering just sitting in my classroom. My apartment smelled like smoke even though the windows were closed. It was oppressive. It is smoky and hazy here today but nothing like it was.
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@DWDavis (25806)
• United States
30 Jun
@NJChicaa I fear there won't be any relief from the smoke until something changes the weather over Quebec/Ontario and it rains a tropical storm's worth of precipitation down on those forests.
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@thebos (5965)
• Kisumu, Kenya
30 Jun
Hopefully the smoke doesn't affect you that much healthy wise
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@LindaOHio (161648)
• United States
1 Jul
Yes, stay out of the smoke. Hubs is staying inside with his asthma and COPD.
@arunima25 (86224)
• Bangalore, India
30 Jun
If it's so smoky and hazy, it would be better to stay indoors and rethink about your pool plan..You can put on mask before stepping outside. Asthma can be triggered and that can be troublesome.
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@MarieCoyle (30808)
30 Jun
This last round of smoke haze that we are ending for right now was here for over 3 days. I hate to say it when you want to go to the pool, but you may have it for more than one day. So sorry. It truly made me miserable with all the stupid allergies I have. And makes it hard to breathe. Wednesday when I had to go several places, I had to wear a mask. And everyone's car has been filthy all week from the smoke. Make sure you put your top up on your convertible!
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@Centrine (48)
• Nairobi, Kenya
30 Jun
Oh no, the smoke from the wildfires sounds really intense! Stay safe and take care of your health, especially with asthma. Maybe a day indoors will be more comfortable. Hopefully, the situation clears up soon!