Short story: Reincarnation

Many religions believe in such reincarnation of the soul
@innertalks (21246)
July 9, 2023 7:39pm CST
A couple, heavily hooked on drugs, gave birth to a son, whose eyes sparkled with holiness. Before he was born, the souls in heaven were asked if they wanted to live such a life there on the Earth. Nobody put their hand up, and so God chose this particular soul, a good soul, but one who was a bit standoffish towards those not as spiritually-minded, as itself. This life would be a lesson for this soul. The couple never changed, neglected their child, and kept taking drugs. The child died at two years old, a cot death. Most cot deaths occur in the first 6 months of life, with some deaths extending out to 12 months, but at 2 years, this is unheard of. But, no other reason for the death of the child could be found. The couple were upset by the turn of events, as they thought that their drug taking might have affected the atmosphere around the child, and he had breathed in their fumes. God called this soul home, because he wanted to cause such a jolt to occur in their lives. They went into rehabilitation, and recovered, and stopped taking drugs. Then, a few years later, they had another child, and it looked just like the first child had done. He, this same soul, was back with them again, for another go at life with them as his parents. After, living with his parents once before, the boy was surprised by the change in them. He realized that life events can move one past their problems into living from love, not from desire, for stimulus alone. He realised that love can change any life for the better. Both the parents, and the son, learnt from this series of events. Photo Credit: The photo used in this article was sourced from the free media site, Many religions believe in such reincarnation of the soul.
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6 responses
@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
10 Jul
I have believed in reincarnation and at times I have second thoughts so I’m keeping an open mind.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
10 Jul
I also like some of the ideas about it, but other aspects, I do not like so much. One life here would be enough for me, I think. There are probably other explanations for some of the experiences of people with reincarnation too. Some children claim to recall past lives, and give amazing details about the past lives that they have lived. I cannot really explain that, but I do believe this type of recall happens, as it has been documented so many times.
@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
10 Jul
@innertalks I have clear memories of two past lives but I can’t be positive they aren’t dreams, but with all the detail I remember that doesn’t seem right either.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
10 Jul
@RubyHawk Yes, past life recalls seem to be different than their just being dreams. When I was younger, I tried hypnosis, and past life regression, and I had some recalls of some interesting past lives too, with a lot of details, and it was like a dream, and yet I was immersed in it for real, too, but awake, not dreaming. I am glad that I had the experiences, but I would still hesitate to say they were actually past lives, as maybe I was just tapping into something in some other dimension, the Akashic records, or something like that.
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@May2k8 (18156)
• Indonesia
10 Jul
one thing I remember is I was in a cave full of fire and i had to go through a hair above it, if I fail maybe I can't go back to the world. regarding the language used is not the language that I use now, they have their own language in communicating.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
10 Jul
A lot of people that l talk to do have some memory of a past life too. My sister remembered when she was a caveman, in a cave, with a fire there too.
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@jstory07 (134784)
• Roseburg, Oregon
10 Jul
There are some people who know things about a past life that only that person would know. I do not feel like I lived before but maybe I can live again.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
10 Jul
Yes, l have heard of cases of young people knowing, and speaking, some ancient language too, which is not used anymore today. There are a lot of cases that are unexplainable as to how someone could know what they know, and they claim that they knew it from a past life.
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@just4him (310131)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
11 Jul
Nice story. I don't believe in reincarnation.
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@just4him (310131)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
12 Jul
@innertalks I know, but if you know the culture, you realize it has nothing to do with reincarnation.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
12 Jul
@just4him Probably not. John was there to introduce Jesus, and was himself only. Jesus said that John the Baptist was the greatest man born of women. So, he was himself only.
@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
11 Jul
I am not sure that l believe in it either. Some people think that it is hinted at in the Bible, though, especially when Jesus said that John the Baptist was Elijah, come again.
@Shiva49 (26269)
• Singapore
10 Jul
The parents got the message loud and clear and made amends when the next chance presented itself, courtesy of God. When we eschew love, lives can go horribly wrong. I had a friend whose wife used to lament her husband smoked like a chimney and the birth of a child did not change his habit. He used to get up at night to feed his habit. She was worried about their child. Things like past lives and our origins are blanketed out from us for a reason.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
11 Jul
Yes, replacing love with an addiction always ruins our lives. Smoking is a terrible addiction too, which is including vapes in its mix now too. I always vowed never to marry anyone who smoked. I was lucky enough to do this.
@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
12 Jul
@Shiva49 At least now their fumes are mostly controlled around others. Before, l had to endure meetings in my boss's office, door closed, with him chain smoking, worse than a steam train.
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@Shiva49 (26269)
• Singapore
12 Jul
@innertalks Romain was planning to open a pub back in Belgium. His wife Chun worried that half the stock will be consumed by the owner! My cousin was telling me that his director brothers were chain-smoking. He had to strain his eyes to make out which of them he was facing when he entered the room!
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@Beestring (13553)
• Hong Kong
10 Jul
I keep an open mind re reincarnation. Some people claim they recall their past life, some are born with amazing talents. Human's knowledge is limited.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
10 Jul
Yes, it is hard to explain how some children, only four years old, can write a music symphony, or be a master of chess already.