Laws praze 'n keep Domino Trump 'n 'em from Harm

13-year cicada immediately after emerging from shell
May 16, 2024 4:18pm CST
I heard Hoomin say something about Domino Trump being in court and may be found guilty and I'm worried Hoomin won't be able to order any more Domino's pizza if Domino Trump goes to jail and should I be worried? All sincere advice appreciated. This chewy bug with no crunch.
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10 responses
@wolfgirl569 (97215)
• Marion, Ohio
16 May
It won't stop his pizza orders. That's a different domino You can keep those creepies there
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@marguicha (216897)
• Chile
16 May
Don´t worry, Scar. That had nothing to do with your pizza. But on the other hand, in another sense, it could be worse if he didn´t go to jail.
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@crossbones27 (48590)
• Mojave, California
16 May
Dude don't you know prison rules. Homie can still run Dominoes from prison. If you do not think he can, then no Dominoes for you.
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@LadyDuck (461709)
• Switzerland
17 May
Do not worry Scar, your Hoomin will be able to order your Domino's pizza, that has nothing to do with Domino Trump. Do not use the chewy bus as pizza topping.
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@RasmaSandra (74558)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
16 May
No worries Scar stupid hoomin Trump has noting to do with Domino Pizza. It would be great if he was locked up I think he's dangerous to both hoomins and animals,
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• Mojave, California
17 May
@RasmaSandra (Dominoes is Mitt Romney but they all fall in line eventually. I hope not but its getting scary, for real. This in not the United States or not how it was supposed to go. We did so many screwed up crap not to end up like Russia. Here we are, might end up like Russia. Who would have thought. 80''s me my life run by tyrants mother and step dad who drank like Russians and all they ever said was freedom. Now country on its way to be just like Russia. Who would have thought?
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@MarieCoyle (30108)
16 May
Scar, you may have to convince your Hoomin that there is life other than Domino,s Pizza. Maybe you can learn to make a pizza-the toppings might be more interesting. Just think, half with his pepperoni or sausage, the other half with your choice of meats…you could leave the cicadas off though!
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@BarBaraPrz (45800)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
16 May
I thought Scar said cicadas taste good?
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@BarBaraPrz (45800)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
17 May
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@MarieCoyle (30108)
16 May
@BarBaraPrz I think he wants them to be crunchy!
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@FourWalls (63030)
• United States
17 May
Oh, that’s a picture of a volcano, isn’t it? Isn’t that larva? The pizza isn’t related to the trial, nor to that line “the dominoes tumbled” in John Fogerty’s “I Saw It on TV.” (The Red Lobsters are the ones tumbling.)
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@JudyEv (328006)
• Rockingham, Australia
17 May
You might need to get your pizza elsewhere but I wouldn't worry. Your Hoomin will look after you. That's an amazing bug. I hope you didn't eat it.
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@LindaOHio (160137)
• United States
17 May
Hoomins can still get their Domino's Pizzas. No cicadas please. Have a good day.
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@HaruLoid (1168)
• Philippines
16 May
Business will only stop if the court issues an order freezing the owner's account. Freezing accounts prevent money from flowing in and out.