Live How You Want, but Do Not Ever Force Me Or Ask Me, I Will Tell You Things You Do Not Want To Hear

Mojave, California
May 16, 2024 7:01pm CST
First off its getting boring. Its getting boring because you both do the same thing, just in different ways. Quick History Lesson America is supposed to be a free country for all. Sure, it was not when it first started but The constitution left room for hopefully one day. That being said, more right wing vs left wing controversy. Harrison Butker, He is a kicker on my beloved Kansas City Chiefs. He more or less said women need to stop working in Corporate America and get back in the Kitchen. If that is how he wants to run his family and they good with it. I am all cool with that, but you should never tell people how to live. I do not care what people believe, thats America and freedom. My problem is why these fools always forcing us to live like them. That's not free. lol The first mistake Harrison made is sure there is some women who love to work and show they just as good as a man in corporate America. Its not all of them, though. Under our capitalistic laws, meaning we have to pay our bills to put food on the table for our family. Many women have to work to feed their kids and even boyfriend or husband. Its your rules. Do not get mad its not like it used to be. Its not like it used to because we have become overly corrupt and to greedy. Now, even if women wanted to be in the kitchen to support their man, most cannot because craps expensive, not because of diabolical lies Democrats and liberal media told women. This world is what you fools made it. Now live in it like the rest of us are forced to live in.
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5 responses
@rebelann (112387)
• El Paso, Texas
17 May
It's always gonna be that way, it's human nature unfortunately
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• Mojave, California
17 May
Probably is but people need to figure that out before they get so butt hurt at the rebellion they receive. We always punk rock in these parts.
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@rebelann (112387)
• El Paso, Texas
17 May
Most won't change and those of us who do are too few to count.
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• Mojave, California
17 May
@rebelann That's why we will always have problems, Israel and Gaza will be everyone's future. Freedom is a big thing that people should respect more, its the difference between living in peace or living like Israel and Gaza, Ukraine and Russia, North Korea and South Korea, China and Taiwan, sure there is many more. Your choice, people, screw how you want to live, how do you want your kids to live?
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• China
17 May
I feel nauseous about this world,I hope to find a way to live comfortably
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• Mojave, California
17 May
Amen, it should not be like this with all the good things we can do. I never understand why these smart so wealthy individuals keep doing bad.
• China
17 May
@crossbones27 Becoming a wealthy person because of doing bad things
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• Mojave, California
17 May
@zhangxueying Thats the way most of them get there and they become so powerful corrupt people along the way.
@choijungeun (2631)
• Hangzhou, China
17 May
People always think they know the truth,they can play God or save the world,but in fact,most of people are led by power and media like the blind lambs. I still couldn't believe there're still people trying to intervene the woman freedom in USA,Even Pahlavi in Iran never would say that.How could American think of this evil stuff? Don't trespass others' freedom even you think you're helping them.Most people don't know this truth,they always harm the others in the name of love and care and push others to the hell.
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• Mojave, California
17 May
Its true, I have learned to shut my mouth in some regards, its not for me to say. Some people getting some bad treatment and we have never seen it here, so its not our place.
• United States
17 May
IF you're wondering about women working, just look at the prices of vehicles. Used ones in my neck of the woods (California) start at around $22,000 for a fairly new good running vehicle. A brand new vehicle can run over $70,000 plus. Then figure the cost of a roof over one's head and go on from there. It gives new meaning to needing more than one income!!! As for telling me what to do, you're more than welcome to do so, but fair warning: I will be very expensive. Plan to work at least 7 jobs because I will get very expensive. I've shut up a lot of people trying to tell me what to do and how to live my life with that statement or my sending them to the store to get me something I imagine I need...they change their minds about telling me what to do very quickly.
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• Mojave, California
17 May
@BearArtistLady There you go. I never thought of that. You will be charged. I guess that is how super models do it. I need fur coats, we live in California,I might want to go to big bear one day, Need to look good. Tha'ts a very interesting point because men never get offered that. See, its neat to see how life is for other people. I never understood why people do not try to understand. Because its all about me fool, being them, even though people say I very self centered too.
@HaruLoid (1589)
• Philippines
17 May
This is practically why we, women, are still voicing out Women Empowerment and Equality. People forget that majority of us have grown to understand that we are one of the same human race who can function and operate not just according to our biological build up but also through our knowledge and abilities. Natural law clearly made a difference of our biological build up but never to how we live, function and work with our personal lives and with society. History made it clear already that every single one of us humans have an inherent right to live a life, express, speak, to education, to work, social justice, and many more. But just because one person is given the freedom to speak his truth it does not mean that he is allowed to hinder or deprive others from exercising their rights and freedom as well.
• Mojave, California
17 May
Amen, I just going to leave that there so you all can read. The struggles you go through, Its starts there.
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@HaruLoid (1589)
• Philippines
17 May
@crossbones27 I just do hope that he doesn't encourage many people to think and act the same as he does. Such narcissism shouldn't be tolerated in this era.