Tuesday Notes - 5/21

Rupert, Idaho
May 22, 2024 1:02am CST
Hello everyone, how are you all doing? It's late again, so I will share this and then be off to bed. It's almost midnight. As I shared last night, I had my endocrinology appointment today. I was worried that my A1c would be up, my weight would be up, and my doctor wouldn't be very supportive of my new journey. I was surprised at all that happened, except my weight. I was shocked how much it went up but I knew it would be more than last month. Went up like 7 pounds in 3 months. My A1c is still too high, but it went down to 8.0% from it being 8.9% three months ago. We told the nurse about our new journey (TTC - trying to conceive) and she told the doctor; he was very supportive and seemed happy about it. He said to text him when I am pregnant. He was on the ball about the meds - took me off the blood pressure and cholesterol med for now. Added meal time insulin to get the spikes to not be as bad throughout the day. The weight loss shot I guess I stop when I get a positive test; but it's been in a shortage for weeks anyway. It's unknown what it would do to a growing baby....so best to not take it. I am hoping I don't have blood pressure issues going off that med, although I might have just been taking it to protect my kidneys from taking metformin for 10+ years. Anyways, lots to take in I know... I haven't taken meal time insulin in over 10 years now - so that will take some adjusting to. What do you all think? Interested to hear your thoughts.
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9 responses
@kaylachan (59800)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
22 May
It might be just what you need given you struggle with a diabetic's diet. Meal time insulin does wonders for a lot of people.
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• Rupert, Idaho
22 May
Well the ADA recommends 45 carbs per meal, and 15 for snacks...I would probably do okay with that lol. I just never wanted to try that because I know that was always too many carbs and would still spike my sugar. But yeah the insulin will help as long as I don't take it and forget to eat
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@kaylachan (59800)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
22 May
@MommyOfEli2013 Yes, it would. Once you have a low or two, though I think you'd remember. But, then, It could only help. And, I know you were worried about the doctor's appointment, I would be, too. But, sounds like it went a little better than you thought.
• Rupert, Idaho
22 May
@kaylachan well the last time i was on meal time insulin was when I was carrying my son; one time I guess I took it and didn't eat (pregnant brain at the time I guess) and ended up in the E.R almost in a coma. Happened another time, not sure why. But this time I have more knowledge that I didn't' have back then. I will be taking a smaller amount, and only depending on how high my sugar is before the meal, and IF I am going to have carbs.
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@thebos (5965)
• Kisumu, Kenya
22 May
Hello, I'm doing fine here , what about you, are you healthy?
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• Rupert, Idaho
22 May
hmm ^^
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@AmbiePam (86275)
• United States
22 May
Just try to eat as healthy as possible while you are pregnant. You can make your life a lot easier by going crazy in the healthy stuff. It’s like you have a job for nine months, only it is the most important job you’ve ever had. I know you can do it.
• Rupert, Idaho
22 May
Well for me that is not too healthy as I don't eat veggies or fruits. I am going to try a green juice, but if I don't like it then it is back to the drawing board.
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@AmbiePam (86275)
• United States
22 May
@MommyOfEli2013 Choke that stuff down, girl! (That’s what I told my sister as a kid when she didn’t want to eat something; it always made her laugh).
• Rupert, Idaho
22 May
@AmbiePam Been told that my whole life, I just can't eat vegetables or most fruits.... But if the green juice is smooth I may be able to get it down. It'll be a powder that I mix with water, so hopefully it will be smooth lol If it smells too much of veggies though then it may be trouble too
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@just4him (310154)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
22 May
I'm glad for you. You knew your weight would be up. I'm glad your A1c came down a bit.
@just4him (310154)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
22 May
@MommyOfEli2013 I'm sorry it shot up so much.
• Rupert, Idaho
22 May
Had I still been on the weight my weight should have been down....but once I stopped being able to get the shot my weight had went up 11+ pounds from what I had lost. But yes, 8 is a lot better than 8.9!
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• Rupert, Idaho
23 May
@just4him It is what it is, my own fault most likely
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@LindaOHio (160417)
• United States
22 May
Thanks so much for the update. As long as you keep your doctors updated with what's going on, they should be able to tell you what's best for you. Good luck and have a great day.
• Rupert, Idaho
22 May
Well it is nice to know someone appreciates it. I never liked communicating with doctors, as I don't like authority lol.
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@LindaOHio (160417)
• United States
23 May
@MommyOfEli2013 In this case it's for the health of your baby.
• Rupert, Idaho
23 May
@LindaOHio Still don't like authority, never will no matter the reason
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@dya80dya (34650)
22 May
Some doctors are supportive. I appreciate such doctors.
• Rupert, Idaho
23 May
Those doctors are nice to find
@jstory07 (134806)
• Roseburg, Oregon
22 May
I hope everything goes good for you and you are pregnant soon.
• Rupert, Idaho
22 May
thank you, just waiting for my body to cooperate with that
@wolfgirl569 (97352)
• Marion, Ohio
22 May
The insulin may help.
• Rupert, Idaho
22 May
Not with weight, but hopefully with my blood sugars in the day.
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@HaruLoid (1299)
• Philippines
22 May
Having adjustments is hard, but I'm sure you will do well. Keep safe!
• Rupert, Idaho
22 May
I will do what I can, that's all I can do...
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