feeling useless - help?

@niko72 (101)
December 5, 2006 12:43am CST
i have felt this way for quite some time, i dont exactly know why, but i have this idea that i am useless, because i dont make a contribution to society, because i am not of legal age, because im not the best looking person out there, i feel worthless, there are people that care and love for me but i just cant explain how i feel and why i feel it, can anybody help?
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7 responses
• Austria
5 Dec 06
Really? My Honest advise, go to a doctor and seek help. Dont rely on the advise of just anybody. Ypu need professional help as you might be suffering from severe depression. You can check with your local community doctors specializing depression of panic disorder. Hope that helps.
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@niko72 (101)
• Australia
6 Dec 06
thank you, appreciate it
@yugi_sen (1741)
• India
5 Dec 06
Hi man no one is useless.... just try to visist the most rural portion in your city and observe how people make their living see then if u can try to improve it. its s starting.
@niko72 (101)
• Australia
6 Dec 06
thanks for your imput!
@Jshean20 (14349)
• Canada
13 Dec 06
Hmm, it sounds like there is a possibility that you could be suffering from depression. Have you been experiencing these symptoms for over 2 weeks? Do you feel tired a lot even after recieving lots of rest? Have you lost enjoyment in things you once loved? It might not be depression but I don't think that it would hurt seeing your doctor about it, just in case. I hope you feel better soon, try not to be so tough on yourself.
8 Dec 06
I'm curious to know if you are a teen too. Are you on any medication? Do you suffer with acne for example? These can all be causes of you feeling bad. I know how you feel. I felt the same too so I joined the red cross youth group. It gave me something to do as first but I worked my way up and ended up helping people all the time. It's great for experience and getting out and meeting people and helping them. Something like that would make you feel a whole lot better. I'm not in it any more as I'm too busy doing other things, but think about it.
@squrrly26 (556)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Some advice to you would be to join some sort of a group. I don't know your age but I am guessing you are kinda young so maybe join a youth group,or a church group,or depending on your age maybe the boy scouts/girl scouts. Being active in a group like that can and will build your self-esteem,which will make you not feel like you are useless. You could also do things like get a job,help out around the house or do some kind of community service. Hope this helps a little.
@fujin1985 (684)
• Philippines
9 Jan 07
i feel useless too, but me being at a more legal age than you, i still have nothing to contribute! man, it's just that there's fear in me and i just don't know what that thing is!
@luckymom (51)
• United States
6 Dec 06
If you are not of legal age how much do you expect to contribute to society? I think you are being hard on yourself. Please see a doctor and get some help. I think that is where you will get the most help with your problem. Like the other poster said, it sounds like you are depressed. I hope that you start feeling better about yourself. :)