what do you think of the practice of putting baby in a separate room?

December 7, 2006 7:26am CST
honestly, i don't subscribe to that. i can't imagine having my newborn baby so far away even with the presence of monitors. i know i'll be censured for this again, but all my three kids have shared our room when they were babies. i just can't imagine having it any other way.
15 responses
• United States
13 Dec 06
Mine will be in the same room. However, I don't plan on placing them in my bed to sleep with me. But their crib will be in my room. I've heard of parents smothering their children by sleeping with them. And actually had an aunt who'd accidently done that, although they ruled it as SIDS she and I know the truth, and they didn't prosecute her.
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
oh, that's sad! i hope your aunt's okay now and she should not be reminded of the event. after all, she didn't do it intentionally. no rational mother would! mine, though they were in the same bed with me, were separated by this umbrella-like mosquito net? do you have these there? the philippines, after all has plenty of mosquitos thus the need for the net. so smothering never posed a problem with me.
• United States
12 Dec 06
i put my baby in our room until they were like 2-3 months. now she's in her room with her sister.
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
okay, thanks for your input!
@zotopec (307)
• Pakistan
12 Dec 06
Yes, it can't be any other way than you did. This is a hell of a lengthy subject of supervision and the feeling of being watched. Have you ever felt that a person who thinks he is being watched always take measured steps? Thats what happens with a kid. And in the process he or she does not go the wrong way and you find no one to blame for the personality he or she is taking after.
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
hmmm.... that's indeed food for the thought! you've got a point there!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
12 Dec 06
Baby  - Do not leave a Baby by it self till you are sure they are safe 
They are so delicate and precious
No way do I agree to that both of mine where in my room till they where 3 months old and until I was sure nothing could happen to them as such I used to get up at night and make sure they breathing and ok So no I do not agree with a newborn Babie in a different room at all
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
lol! i used to do that, too, even if my baby was just beside me. i'd wake up every now and then just to check if my baby's still breathing! even until now that she's 4 already. ha, ha. it's really nor easy to be a mother.
• Philippines
12 Dec 06
i don't adhere to that practice, i believe that an early age, a baby should already receive the love and care intended for him cause the rest of his/her life depends on how he/she was raised by his/her parents.. being away from the parents through a separate room minimizes the chance of them getting along well in the future
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
so right! are you a mother, by any chance?
@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
12 Dec 06
i dont know about others but i dont prefer to let my child alone in seperate room. in her early stage she only needs me to be around...mom's presence not only give warmth to child but also give, confidence, and sense of security.
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
very, very correct! even when they're sick, they almost always ask for mom and not dad.
• United States
11 Dec 06
Well, from birth until now, age 19 months, my daughter has shared a room with me. I couldn't see it any other way...even though I would have loved to decorate a beautiful baby nursery for her and been able to give her a room of her own, money wise it just wasnt an option. Also, it made me feel safer when she was such a young baby. Now, we are getting ready to move and are moving to a 2 b/r house, so she will have her own room for the first time, well, she and her step sister who is only a few months younger...so, we will have to see how I feel about it once we try sleeping in separate rooms!
• Philippines
12 Dec 06
well, good luck! let's just hope you won't suffer from separation anxiety, seeing that you're used to having her with you.
@kylesmiles (1910)
• United States
11 Dec 06
We kept our son in our room until he was about 8 months old! ;) First, because didn't have a regular crib in his room and also because I liked having him close to us. We also used his room as a storage for his hand-me-down clothes, and other toys! So when we finally had the time to clean out the room, we made room for him, etc. :)
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
well, at least, you've had your bonding time with him! good for you!
• United States
7 Dec 06
I think keeping a newborn in the room with the parents is a lot better and safer but at a certain age they need to be in a room by themselves otherwise they'll get too attached to sleeping with the parents and never be able to stay by themselves. I think that at around 2 they should be moved out of the parents room. The child should certainly be in their own room by the time they go to school.
• Philippines
7 Dec 06
uh-huh! they are now. in their own rooms, i mean. it is i who has been attached and thus had a hard time letting them have their own room. i wonder, how much more if they go away for college or for a job overseas? boo-hooo...
@tiibbaamm (613)
• Indonesia
7 Dec 06
parents should know that putting your newborn baby in a seperate room could also be dangerous. what if something could happen to the baby,such as the bed is not secure enough for the baby..someone could even kidnap the baby without you knowing! i just don't understand with this kind of thinking, but maybe they have other excuses that i myself had never thought of.
• Philippines
7 Dec 06
i've read on the reasoning behind this practice. and i still strongly disagree. i wonder if the author of the practice is a mother or even a woman at all?
@lissaj (532)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I don't believe in that either. All three of my kids slept in my room when they were babies. Around 10 months, I started putting them in their own room gradually. It's hard, but it's something you have to stick to, because if you don't you will find yourself waking up to your 5 year old in bed with you every day lol.
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
well, that's not so bad at all. it's even appealing! but thanks for droppping by!
• United States
11 Dec 06
My kids have never slept alone in their rooms until they were at least 4 months old. I can't stand having them be that far away! The first couple of months its easier to have them close at night time for feedings and diaper changes, I'm a heavy sleeper - if the kid was in another room I would probably never hear him/her.
• Philippines
12 Dec 06
same with me. somebody has to shake me awake so i can get up. just imagine if my kids in another room...... shudder!
@mags31ca (203)
• Canada
7 Dec 06
James went into his own room at 6 months. It was right across the hall from me and I kept both doors open and had a monitor. I am a very poor sleeper and found that I was inadvertantly waking him with my tossing and turning. Even if that wasn't the case it was soon time for him to go to his own room. I now have a 4 year old who goes to bed promptly at 8 and doesn't need a night light or Mommy right by his side. He also has slept through the night since he went to his own room. Although I will agree that it is different for everyone as to when they are comfortable moving their children to their own rooms.
• Philippines
7 Dec 06
it is! but thanks for sharing your thoughts so nicely. see you around!
@Devinarun (387)
• United States
11 Dec 06
children  - children and mommies
well im with you in this.i will not want my children to sleep in another room,i would want them to sleep with me all noight.theere are some of them who keep their children in separate rooms.
• Philippines
12 Dec 06
and it's a practice i can't relate to. if i do that and something happens to my kid, i'll never be able to forgive myself!
• India
7 Dec 06
I just do not believe in this. I can not think of putting my li'l baby in a different room all alone.
• Philippines
7 Dec 06
yeah, right! how would i know if a little insect is slowly making its way to my baby, and even if she cries, by the time i get to her, the bug probably has bitten her already. whew!