r u crazy about cars n drives...

@harshiii (139)
December 8, 2006 11:15pm CST
when do love best to go for drive with whom..does it soothes you.. i go with my guy wen im stressed up..it jus gives me a big relive from the days tedious work..
3 responses
@prey15 (221)
• India
9 Dec 06
Oh I love long drives...I study in VIT we drive all the way to pondichery...Its a 4 hr trip we travel as a group only guys...its fun listening to loud music,chasing your friends when they are answering natures call,playing antakshri,riding on the top,often we remove our shirts and shout loud when we enter a town its wild fun
@harshiii (139)
• India
9 Dec 06
dt sounds really gr8..its like a very long drive.. u seem to be crazy 4 cars n drive
• United States
9 Dec 06
i absolutely love to go for car rides with my boyfriend. In the beginning of our relationship for the longest time all of our intense soul bearing conversations occured in the car. Driving around by yourself when your stressed out though with the music up is fantastic. It's just a little hard with gas prices being what they are. That's the only bad thing about Boston, no car, no private time.
@harshiii (139)
• India
9 Dec 06
fuel prices goin up is the worst part..
@starsun (316)
• India
9 Dec 06
Ya i m jus crazy abt cars n drives. And obviously i'd always take my girl wit me. there s nothin lik a cool evening wit no thought abt work, slight drizzling in the air, sun settin down and u go on a long drive by a mountain side and above all ur loved one by ur side.. Wow... I jus love it!
@harshiii (139)
• India
9 Dec 06
which car do u prefer.. wow dat sounds romantic!!!