ronaldo - a famous personality in football
December 9, 2006 6:45pm CST
this is a survey for 1 year to know which is the best sport that people love most?? it may be cricket? football? boxing?? any thing u love .plz give reply to support ur sport
3 responses
10 Dec 06
10 Dec 06
i 2 love football
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
14 Dec 06
Is gymnastics considered a sport? If it is, then thats my favorite one. If its not, then I would have to pick football.
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
14 Dec 06
I don't have any particular sport that I follow, but I will always watch, or listen to, any sport that has Australia involved. At present time it is the Ashes cricket test matches against England, and so far Australia have won the first 2 matches. They are currently playing the 3rd test and there are 2 more after this one.