Confronting 3rd parties

December 10, 2006 3:57pm CST
Is it right to confront 3rd parties? Say you and your spouse is having marriage problem and one of you finds out that the other one is seeing somebody else. Should you talk to your spouse only or confront the 3rd person as well?
4 responses
• Singapore
10 Dec 06
I don't think it's right to confront third parties. Discuss first with your spouse and then if it goes nowhere, then lay out your plans.
@Darkwing (21583)
10 Dec 06
I think it depends on whether you and your spouse can sort things out. My feeling is that you should try talking first, to see whether you can resolve things without outside help. Failing that, mention to your spouse that you don't feel your chats are getting you anywhere and advise her/him that you wish to discuss it with a third party. Invite them along, don't be secretive, and if they don't want to come, at least you've expressed your desire to get things back on track, and rather with their knowledge of what's happening than without. If they choose not to join you on visiting the third party, then that's their loss, not yours. But, give them a chance and don't confer with a third party behind their back. Good luck. :-)
@remaster74 (4064)
• Greece
10 Dec 06
Usually 3rd persons are not the ones that they are to blaim for the problems in a relationship or in a marriage. I did confronted once the lover my husband had. She said that my husband had told her he was in divorce settlements with me. So, she waas innocent, you know! My husband was a scump!
@clownfish (3272)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Hi! I would not confront the third person. In my opinion, the spouse is to blame and should be held accountable.