Pandemonium worldly

December 11, 2006 6:23am CST
Did it bring the expected benefits ? Are there any regularities to what teams of good people actually do, in the ways they transform inputs into outputs ? Are there any regularities to what teams of good people actually do, in the ways they transform inputs into outputs ? I come in for brief periods, do the best work I can, then leave the team to its own devices afterwards - for awhile, or for good. It looks great as documentation, but is more cumbersome to write. You have also not had a conversation, or a chance to notice your coworkers. And hacking is precisely what one would want to do less of. For instance, we use tactics like the binary chop: delete half the code, if the bug still occurs it must be in the remaining half, otherwise it was in the deleted half. I see these two as major ingredients of success. This is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Some people experience maintenance problems as a result of pervasive inheritance in OO systems. At a lower level of abstraction, we may well have different kinds of edits: major, minor, spellcheck, file upload, page deletion. There are practical, economic and affective differences. We could start testing and investing in code quality, but the customer is already soured on the project. Take a blank sheet of paper. Something happened in between. To respond is less effective than to anticipate. I agree that accountability is important. They are then tempted to give up on OO altogether. Some people experience maintenance problems as a result of pervasive inheritance in OO systems. So I walk up to Joe and his pair, and suggest we swap. Devote some attention to spotting weak signals and amplifying them. Something happened in between. Draw a vertical line down the middle, and a horizontal line through. If you value learning for its own sake, you will move on to new skills any time you feel insufficiently challenged, etc. Even a bug caught during development. Why do you make such a big deal of using index cards for user stories, rather than an electronic document ? We can say everything we have a need to say about that role in one and only one place. interesting ideas about the inner workings of hash tables. Contraints arise from procedures, rules, habits, norms, definitions, titles, etc. In fact, you may have sensible reasons to insist on duplication. Take a blank sheet of paper. There are two main things I try to help with, when a team wants my help: clarity of purpose, and fresh ideas. Draw a vertical line down the middle, and a horizontal line through. This is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Now, more than one protein can have the proper shape to fit into that slot. Are there any regularities to what teams of good people actually do, in the ways they transform inputs into outputs ?
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