What rights do mothers have?

United States
December 13, 2006 5:59pm CST
So i know there are other posts like this but i just wasnt quite understanding them so i thought i would post somthing new. My friend has a two year old son,she and his father split up around a year and a half ago.She left him because it wasnt working out he was very controlling and had a very bad temper and verbally abused her as well as somtimes hitting her.She has been living with me since she left him and she has never filed for child support mostly because he has threatened her and her son if she did anything like that.Well she is about to start school and get engaged the only problem is she is planing to move a coulple states away from where she lives now and he keeps threatening her and telling her that if she tries to do that he will get a lawyer and take caden away from her.Now i dont know what all the rules are but as i see it she has a better chance at getting custody than he does,he works in a strip and his live in girlfriend is a striper she also has a son that he has basically been support while not supporting his own child,also he has a 7 or 8 year old daughter that has been raised by his parents and he barely sees her,it was his choice for them to raise his daughter.I am just wondering if anyone has been through anything like this or knows anything about what the courts look at when decideing custody and what they think of parents moving.This guy is not a very good influence on his son and i wouldnt be sad if he was taken out of the picture all together,my friends fiance would like to adopt her son which i think is a great idea. thanks so much
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