Matrix illusion or reality

matrix - matrix pic of reevees
December 21, 2006 5:49am CST
The Matrix Lives I don’t know about others but I have a feeling that the world is being governed, Manipulated, Resyncronized and Structured by a group of individuals who have created it and harnessed it to the way it is and THE WAY IT SHOULD BE. Things, Universal laws of Physics, Objects, beliefs and everything we experience have been artificially created and stocked up in our Minds like computer files or technically speaking "PROTOCOLS"These are a set of laws created by a supercomputer driven system to Harness day to day lives of individuals. Certain Unusual events that we experience have been modulated in such a way that they seem real and are accepted optimistically by our Brains. IN SHORT "THE MATRIX DOES EXIST" and is being updated from time to time. The only difference is that we fail to notice it and Keep living our lives again and again and again like a COMPUTER LOOPING PROGRAM. We fail to notice the difference and our memories are refreshed each time this cycle approaches completion. This was the only fact which was realized by great individuals e.g. JESUS CHRIST, LORD BUDDHA. According to me these individuals "LET THERE MINDS FREE"And were able to accomplish tasks which were otherwise considered by a matrix driven mind of a normal human being as "IMMPOSIBLE". Few geniuses like ISAAC NEWTON, ALBERT EINSTIEN got quite close in approaching this kind of status WHICH WAS REFFERED IN THE MOVIE MATRIX AS """THE ONE""". So wake up! Join the REVOLUTION as the adventure is not miles away in a jungle or a Mountain. "PAIN CAN NOT BE FELT BECAUSE IT WAS NEVER THERE"THERE IS NO SUCH REAL THING AS FEAR, ANGER, AGGRESSION, HATE ONLY YOUR MIND MAKES IT REAL. what say u
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