do u think pre martial affairs don't effect ur present married life....

December 22, 2006 2:00am CST
Alot of people in our generation decide to live with someone before they marry them.Alot of people think it is wrong because you shoudl marry the person first.I use to think like that.But now with the divorce rates ect..I am having second thoughts.I like the idea of living with someone before you marry them.The reason is because alot of times that person might have faults ect..Its good too see how it would work out.When you live with someone first you get to know how it would be.So than when you marry them there is no suprises.What do u think honestly?
1 response
• India
22 Dec 06
every person has some faults , nobody is perfect ,then why to find faults in others ..first to clear is in those heart which dont find fault in others but love the way they are ..finding fault is not love ..then surely there will be divorce
• India
22 Dec 06
love is to sacrifice... it doesn't demand any thing