
September 25, 2006 1:10pm CST
do u people believe in ghost???????????? the only ghost that i have seen is in Scoopy -Doo & in movies . Almost all religions seems to refer 2 ghosts, is this proof? But i am not ruling out the possibility , it could be possible. What do u think????????
1 response
@abh2006 (23)
• United States
25 Sep 06
yep I sure do...LOL check out ebay's haunted items, you can buy stuff that have spirits attached to them and bring them in your home. Some of the stuff is fake and some is real go by the feedback when checking these items out. First lookup metaphysical and then select that as your catagory and then type in haunted and see all the crazy items people sell. I did buy something before that was haunted and kept it for a good 8 or 9 months until one night it scared the beegeebee's outta me so I sent it to my sil who wanted it...LOL better her than me.