stock market Do you invest?

@mcc371 (918)
United States
September 26, 2006 8:51am CST
What is your experience with the stock market, do you buy stocks,bonds,mutual funds, or penny stocks. Do you know of a great site to help someone learn ?
13 responses
@milott (2646)
• India
22 Dec 06
No, I am a sort of guy who hates to take risks on hard earned money, hence I do not invest in stock market, but I have invested in mutual funds instead. It has less risks compared to stock market because it invests your money in various different companies rather than any single one thus reducing your risks. Even though the returns from the mutual funds are not as lucrative as the stock market (which has equal amount of risks of losing your money), hence i chose mutual funds.
@moreinfo (3865)
• China
22 Dec 06
not yet, mainly on hyip, and some on forex.
@satbirsk (400)
• India
27 Sep 06
@bhbirdie6 (1765)
• United States
21 Oct 06
I started investing a couple months ago and I'm really glad that I did now... stocks are way up and even the stocks that I bought that weren't doing so well... have gone up... significantly. I'm liking it.
• India
21 Oct 06
Can 16yr olds invest?
• India
25 Oct 06
I love investing in shares,mutual fund and commodity market i follow for the same
@Victoria7 (1240)
• Spain
26 Sep 06
I have no experience either but would love to have a go!!
@krishna183 (2284)
• India
27 Sep 06
no i have never invested before .. but have learnt a lot about the market recently .. would love to invest at some point of time
@abccba (1914)
• Denmark
26 Sep 06
i don't have the time or the money to invest... And if i had the money i would let my bank invest the money for me, cause i don't know what stocks i should invest in...
@lokesh61 (550)
• India
27 Sep 06
@lokesh61 (550)
• India
27 Sep 06
yes i do
• India
27 Sep 06
look at
• India
27 Sep 06
I have been investing in the stock market for lat six years and I have found it very rewarding.but before taking a plunge into the stock market you have to learn the basics of investing as well as dynamics of market movement I assure you it's not difficult to learn all these things but you haveb to devote some amount of time have a good day