IIf you were raped and got pregnant from it what would you do?

United States
September 28, 2006 6:33am CST
IIf you were raped and got pregnant from it what would you do? I mean I would still keep the baby just becuase of the simple fact he/she would be mine. Even though it wasn't conceived out of love it will still be loved because it don't deserve to be aborted. It didn't do anything. What is your opinion?
11 responses
29 Sep 06
Definately a hard question, although not to get sticky with technicalities, I think if you report it you're advised to take the morning after pill and such methods, although failing that. I think I'd go for an abortion, not the kids fault at the end of the day although I don't think I could love it as much as it needs. Would seeing full term and having it adopted be any better? I'm not sure, it would be painful later on in life when the kid finds out but I'm sure they're happier to be alive. Gr. Just sent myself round in circles! True answer is I don't know.
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@bhchy1 (6047)
• United States
28 Sep 06
My instinct woud be to keep the baby...but I would have to take in to consideration the facts of the rape...was it date rape...aquaintance rape..or was it a violent attack by a stranger...?? If it were violent I don't know if I could carry that child to term without the constant reminder of the the fear I went through..I may abort it or give it up..hard to say because I haven't been in that situation...
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@spikyarj (519)
• India
28 Sep 06
i think getting an abortion will be the best thing to do..dont think you will ever be able to love that child deeply..it will always remind you of that day...
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@abccba (1914)
• Denmark
28 Sep 06
get an abortion.. The kid would just remind you all the time of when you got raped... Well, i'm not a woman myself, but thats just my opinion...
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@postergal (212)
• Egypt
28 Sep 06
well first of all I really love ur posts when they are not written in caps hehe!! now..I dunno..if I am not ready for a baby I will make abortion..cos no baby deserves to have no father and a mother that is not ready u kno..but I might reconsider it..am a bit confused..
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@Si1234 (457)
• India
28 Sep 06
I think i will do abortion first and then report to crime branch to trap the person who did serious crime like rape
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@ultrarich (456)
• India
28 Sep 06
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@scooter1024 (1243)
• United States
28 Sep 06
I can't say exactly what I would do because I have never been in the situation. I can say what I think I would do tho. If I had a hard time bonding with the baby during the pregnancy I think I would have a hard time bonding when its born. In that case I would give the baby up for adoption. I would never even think of an abortion because ther are too many people out there wanting babies and can't have them. Knowing how I am inside tho I think I would keep the baby no matter what.
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• United States
29 Sep 06
I would definately without a doubt have an abortion. I may love that child, but everytime I looked at him/her I'd be afraid I would remember how he/she got here and subconsciously treat that child unfairly.
@1alyssa (758)
• United States
29 Sep 06
i compelety agree with your answer i think i would keep the baby too but if for some reason it would be too hard for me then i would give it up for adoption but i don't know if i would be able to do that either it is really hard to say but i do know i would never get an abortion i do not believe in that at all
@mryazali (286)
• India
29 Sep 06
well i get raped i hardly care ..as the woman who rapes me need to consult a doctor and get aborted..