
@Sailor (1160)
United States
December 31, 2006 9:46pm CST
If you were financially able, what type of assistance would you provide for your community as a way of giving back to the community? I would assist with employment and education.
4 responses
• United States
7 Jan 07
I would start a program that would allow my community to be totally self sufficient. We would have solar power and more energy efficient housing. We could grow our ouwn food and teach our own children. We wouldn't need to rely on the government or anyone else for that matter.
@Sailor (1160)
• United States
7 Jan 07
That sounds good, I never thought of the solar power part.
@shooie (4984)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Lets help - Everyone sometime in their life will need help
I think I would help the meals on wheels program out and the handicap center out and those that need extra assistance to make ends meet. You know the ones that are at least trying to make ends meet and want a better life.
@Sailor (1160)
• United States
3 Jan 07
True, there are many Horse that don't need to be led or shown how to get the water but just need a little crutch and respect. People don't know how far even respect goes for the human spirit. Being that I drive, and am presently off of probation, I will probably ask my jobsite to allow me to assist taking commodities to the next disaster area in. When I can afford it I will do it in my personal truck because I won't need the fuel to be handled by someone and the permits to cross state lines.
@leanette (3002)
• India
1 Jan 07
If i had to help my community and that around the world i would help single moms and women with their employment, parenting and kids with their education.
@Sailor (1160)
• United States
1 Jan 07
So true, but please don't be a Man Hater in the process. There are those of us who have been fighting for our children with no avail. But yes Parents/Mothers do need to be educated to help their family succeed and especially here in L.A. that their child is not a paycheck. Have children out of Love not accident, or ignorance.
• Philippines
1 Jan 07
I would probably use my money to improve education in my community or better yet in my country. There are so many kids out there that have the potential but because of they're poor, they can't afford to go to school. They would be lucky enough to even go to a public school. My sister and I dream to someday build a school of our own and even provide scholarships for those who need it. However, we need to raise the money first before that can happen. But we're really hopeful that we can achieve our dream.
@Sailor (1160)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Put your dream on paper, plan out what you need to acheive it. Put the word out that you are looking for volunteer teachers, seek accredidation from your state, request small donations from paents and seek same from corps. looking for tax write off's. You don't care why they donate, just that they do. And guess what. You have your school. A school is a place to learn. You provided that then epand as able. But people won't do this without you having a written plan much like a business plan. Good luck and I hope you do well.