What Is Your Favorite Message Board to Visit?

United States
December 31, 2006 10:18pm CST
Does anyone visit any message boards, kind of like MyLot. Although, I personally don't know if I consider MyLot to be a message board. I guess I think of it more like an online community. Anyways, are there any message boards that you visit. If so, what topics do they cover and why do you like visiting it. I'll go first. My abosulte favorite message board to visit is www.wahm.com. I visit that one multiple times a day. I work from home, so that is a great community for me, as it is centered on working from home. I also visit www.forums.digitalpoint.com. I am in the process of starting my own website and they have a lot of good resources. Although I tend to lurk more than I post there.
3 responses
• India
5 Jan 07
Mylot is my first message board site. I have joined it with a vision to earn from home, like what you are doing, because I want to earn some pocket money so that I would make myself able to have further studies. But it is not only this. It was like this in the first. But now I love to work with mylot. What you are saying your discussing I am following. I love your style. I wish to join more board, if you will suggest me. Thanks for this discussion. I wish you a very happy new year.
• United States
8 Jan 07
If you are looking to work from home, you should defiently check out www.wahm.com. It stands for work at home mom, but their message boards actually have all deferrent types of people. Everyone there is really helpful. Without the assitance of that message board and its memebers, I really don't know if I would be working from home.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I visit Refundsweepers.com. It is a freebie board.
• United States
8 Jan 07
I love freebies. I will have to check it out. Thank you for sharing and responding to my post.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
1 Jan 07
that sounds interesting I like to visit mylot and gather
• United States
2 Jan 07
Thank you for your response.