Iraqi women being raped by American army troops

January 2, 2007 5:55pm CST
Is this really trueeee ???????? i have heard this from different places, but i couldnt beleive this.... but when i saw a video of it at a Forum, i could refuse to beleive it.... what the hell is going on over there by the way.....
1 response
• United States
3 Jan 07
Please stop with stupid topics such as this. First, if an American troop in fact commits this crime, he is acting as an individual, and let him pay whatever price he deserves. But to insinuate that Americans are doing this often is ridiculous. Why not start a thread about people who believe in a religion that preaches peace and compassion, yet will kill innocents randomly and from a cowardly distance with hidden bombs? Why not talk about people who wear civilian clothes and hide amongst women and children, yet try to attack uniformed soldiers and then run and hide amongst those civilians? Why not ask about those who lie to their own people to get them to blow themselves up and kill innocents? Please, in the future, please post topics that are sensible, and have an intelligent slant. Don't waste your time or ours by simply typing a bunch of BS into a heading. I will be asking the moderators of this forum to block you, as a statement such as your title of this posting is libel, slanderous and can cause a lawsuit brought upon you by someone like me.