Check your sources and facts before you speak!

@pizahr (265)
United States
January 3, 2007 10:48am CST
I am new to myspace and in my short time on these boards I have noticed that many people on here tend to just shoot off and not have facts to back their talk. I do like a good discussion. It is good to see different point of views. But people tend not to do their homework. And when they dont do their homework they tell only what they have been told. Which is basically a grape vine and you know what a grape vine does. It changes the story over and over again. I like to know what I am speaking of. I check out my info before I state it. And to have a true discussion everyone should do some investigating before you write. You can not just listen to what is in the news or on U-Tube or your government. Most of it is usually just bits and pieces of info. With the internet like it is, it is easy to search and find some facts. And facts means more than one source to verify it. And when you want to give a personal opinion say so. Everyone is allowed to have that. Just dont claim that it is fact.
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