Do You Think Yoga is Good For Our Helth????

January 5, 2007 5:31pm CST
A person called baba ramdev citizon of india,running an ashram in haridwar,saying that you will be healthy if you do yoga daily 10 to 15 minitus and if u are suffring from any sever illness yoga will help you to recover your helth and if u will do it daily you will be healthy.he says yoga can cure cancer,asthma,dipression,sugar and many more problems....what do you think????
6 responses
@Rachcaa (163)
5 Jan 07
I do think it is good for your health afterall is can improve strenght, stamina, flexiblitly and reduce stress. However, I am very sceptical about it being able to cure any diseases - if it could do this the world would literally be a changed place! I am sure it might be able to make some of the illnesses you mention more 'bareable' but i really don't think it can cure.
• India
6 Jan 07
thanx for reply,i think yoga is very effective if you follow the rules of it because i personly feel that i got some improvement in my health when i was doing it. i did yoga for three weeks and in that period of time if i started my day with yoga i felt some different kind of energy whole day but unfotunatly i couldn't continue it but whenever i got time i do it for 10 to 15 is not very difficult to get 10 to 15 mins daily but problem is you have to wake up early in the mornig to do it.
@Pekachu (1112)
• United States
7 Jan 07
oh i agree just simple stretching excersises make me feel good i would like to learn yoga anyone no of an online site?
• India
8 Jan 07
thanx for showing your interst in yoga.i don't know the site but i have those yoga CD's.i will tell u abt the website very soon once again thanx.
@den85730 (51)
• United States
14 Jan 07
This is a "no thinker". Any positive activity, exercise, or program is good for your health. Why such a question? What are you really trying to ask?
@rsp9098 (755)
• India
14 Jan 07
ya.itz true!i do believe in it!yoga is a kind of spiritual attainment!
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
24 Oct 10
Well for depression, medicines are not solution. Do Meditation, try breathing exercise, it will help you balance and handle depression.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
24 Oct 10
Well, sometimes its unavoidable that we feel depressed for the day..but for the health its not a good side, i believe in Meditation which will balance our mind and helps to be normal at situations