Oxicotin pain meds

United States
January 9, 2007 12:35am CST
Has onyone ever take Oxicotin? My doctor just prescribed them for me today and I am scarred to take them with all the stuff that I have heard about the. Can anyone help ell me a little info about them.
4 responses
• United States
9 Jan 07
Do you mind saying what he prescribed them for? They were designed for terminal patients and for patients with severe long term pain. A co-worker's spouse requested them after having surgery after he blew his knee out. He was to take 1 every so many hours. He took two at once and started having convulsions and had to be taken to the ER. It's my understanding that it's basically lab grade heroine and it's really something that you'd want to play around with. There has been a recent FDA warning stating that doctors are prescribing it much too liberally. See article here... http://www.webmd.com/content/article/33/1728_84954.htm If you aren't dying in pain, I'd ask your doctor for something less potent. Vicodin (hydrocodone) is also an opioid so your doctor shouldn't see any real difference with the prescription. The potency is less but still quite strong. It should also be significantly cheaper (probably at least 10 times cheaper per pill before insurance) since it has been in a generic form for some years and OxyContin is still only offered by name brand.
• United States
9 Jan 07
Thankyou for responding. I blow out 3 of my disks about 2 years ago. I had to have back surgery last year at this time. Because I started leaking spinal fluid. Which in return caused spinal headachs. That was basicly my last resort. Now I am in more pain then i was before the surgery. They had to take out my L-4 and L-5 disks and then they had to fuse them together with bolts. Well the bone will not fuse together and so it will not heal. I have to have another surgery to fix what is wrong and now my s-1 is bolging and is completely pinching the nerve. I have been in severe pain for a very long time. i have been on Lorecet, demerol, morophin, fentanal, pain patches and nothing works. i am only 32 and have no life now. It takes over you.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Jan 07
Sorry to hear about your problem. My mother had to have 3 disks removed and replaced with a single fused bone from a donor back in 1991. I can imagine your troubles because I know she has been on various pain killers ever since then and has to get regular cortisone injections. If the doctors did not have a plan in mind to resolve the issues you are currently suffering from and were planning on using OxyContins as a long term pain management solution, I would worry about using OxyContins. They are highly addictive, worse than the other meds you have named. Since the OxyContins are just to get you through the time of right now until your upcoming/scheduled surgery (and maybe a little post) then I wouldn't worry as much about taking them. Please note that I have absolutely no medical training (which I'm sure you already understand). My advice is just that and you should always seek professional medical advice (which you are). Hopefully this next surgery produces better results for you than the last.
• United States
9 Jan 07
Thanks for your input. It is very hard to deal with this. I live in pain everyday and I know your mom is going through. It is a pain that you can not just ignore. I am hoping that this next surgery will help me. I just want to be able to live again. and not with pills my whole life.
@lg1237 (1)
• United States
24 Nov 09
my sister took oxicotin for 2 years due to a pinched nerve!!!!!!!!!!!why wouldnt a doctor see this as a problem????why didnt the pharmacy report the use over and over again. my sister has been to er 3 times this week.she was looking for her daughter to get off school bus.her daughter is 28 and out of school since she was 18???? she didnt know her own husband.id say there is a problem.but her doctor says no shes okay.my sister no longer walks.she sleeps all day.she isnt eating at all now. where can i seek help???
@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
28 May 07
I was on OxyContin once. The side-effects got horrible, and I was made to go off it cold turkey as my doctor would do nothing at all to help me get off it. This caused the withdrawals to get so bad that I ended up in the ER with withdrawls. I was on it for pinched-nerve pain in my entire back. Now I take nothing for it, and I just go to a chiropractor, keep icing my back, and exercise whenever I can and for however long I can.
@IL2Knit (1141)
• United States
18 Jun 07
OxyContin almost took my life andit did take my sons life. I just made a post about my son.