Changing Places

United States
October 3, 2006 1:51am CST
Did you ever thought one day you might just change places with one of your folks? They took care of you when you were going up and now its time to take care of them. I never thought it would happen, my life isnt my own for now its my bestfriends my mom...reason why i started to find surveys that are legal and make $$$ cause I need alot of it now. But I thank God shes still here with us, hey shes my buddy,pal bestfriend and always a Mother.
2 responses
3 Oct 06
Good luck, and cherish the time even under the difficult circumstances.
@sugarbear (101)
• United States
3 Oct 06
yes, I have thought about this a lot and if that time ever comes I just hope I do as good a job of caring for her as she has done for me!!!