if you had one superhuman power / ability what would it be? - hero or villian?

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October 3, 2006 5:12am CST
as the title says what would your super power be and how would you use it?
3 responses
@Mayuko (1268)
• United States
14 Feb 12
If I could have one superpower, it would be telepathy -- reading people's minds. It wouldn't just be hearing what they are currently thinking, but knowing more. Sort of like being a psychic who would know details about a person's life, but I wouldn't do it to be nosy, only for good. For example, if there was a bank robbery, and there were a line up of suspects, even if they were all thinking "I didn't rob the bank." I would be able to go deeper into the suspects mind to know who committed the crime. Or maybe I'm over-thinking this. Anyway, I wouldn't exactly want to be a superhero though. While I'd definitely use my power for good, I wouldn't want to be on par with Superman, Wonder Woman or other characters like that. I'd just be a passerby who seems to know more than I should.
@Mayuko (1268)
• United States
14 Feb 12
I forgot to mention I'd also want to use the power to tell if someone is lying. It'd be a useful ability if I wanted to be a judge or even if I were talking to a person and I suspected they weren't being honest
@mikeang (73)
• Singapore
20 Apr 08
I would chose the ability to fly at will. Reason is that sometimes in my dream (when I am sleeping)this thing (flying at will)happens and it is always a great feeling. Many times it took me to places I have known before and it was like visiting these places but in that enhanced mode of panning over these places in flight.
@rainbow (6761)
14 Oct 06
As Fat Woman, like Cat Woman but filling that rubber suit sooo much more my special powers are much the same as a cats, I would be good most of the time, because cats are allowed to be a little wild.