Would you be willing to be a medical guinea pig to make extra cash?

@ugachaka (297)
United States
January 11, 2007 10:09pm CST
I've been trying to find every way possible to make some money from home while I look after my daughter all day. One of the most interesting ways I've come across is being part of a medical research study without ever leaving the house. There's plenty of risks involved, among them: putting my health on the line and having to send them an initial deposit to get started. Would you be willing to submit your body for medical experimentation to bring in an extra buck?
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2 responses
• United States
10 Feb 07
Most medical experiments I have heard about have you to come in for exams first and you are closely monitored thereafter. You have to think about why you want to stay home in the first place. If it does something to your health how is that helping your daughter? Then there is the issue of the deposit. What do they want you to pay them for? You are the one putting your health on the line. I say no way.
@Ariana17 (92)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I don't know if I could take anything that I'm not entirely sure what it could do to me. I am curious to see what kind of money they pay out though.