anyone here joined AGLOCO?

January 12, 2007 11:31am CST
Hi there, I have just joined agloco and was wondering if anyone else has done this. I am interested in your remarks about this internet site. Here is my link I await your response
4 responses
@mysiraylon (1102)
• United States
12 Jan 07
That probably is a very interesting website, but with due respect will it be appropriate to post a topic containing any webpage with a referral ID/username on it... just a simple comment.
• Canada
12 Jan 07
I am new here and if this is not appropriate I understand, thanks for you input, that is how I will learn.
• United States
13 Jan 07
I have joined agloco already about 2 weeks ago.Though i dont get any referral till now.It seems that not one of my friends are interested in it.I hope it will start soon and get paid so i'll have a proof of payment coz its easier to convince somebody if you have a proof.
@iamrich (88)
• India
12 Jan 07
i think agloco is a good site and it will pay for sure... it was started by some students...and its viewbar software is also good...for the time being it is under beta testing...i have joined it ...
@diptesh14 (224)
• India
12 Jan 07
no i have not joined it but thinking to join it can you please tell how is this site