the best topics should be discuss on???

January 13, 2007 6:41am CST
here can anybody give me some tips or advice how to choose or creating a good topic for discussion. i mean sometime my interest doesn't match others....
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2 responses
• United States
31 May 07
I get stuck on this one too Bhai! That is why I don't have any new discussions on my site - I simply don't know what to put down. You have had some very thoughtful discussions on mylot and I have enjoyed them all. I think that it is best to put down things that interest you and there will be people who are drawn to the discussion. Other people like me, will be drawn to you personally and hence will respond regardless of the discussion! Hey, haven't heard from you in a while and I miss you! I am hoping you are well. My trip to Bangladesh is all set. I wish I was flying through Malyasia but the best flight was going through London this time! :(
@Beowulf (551)
• Philippines
27 May 07
I can see that you are a good respondent because you got a 9 star! I guess you should focus on that area than creating some discussions, thats only on my own opinion. Please dont be offended, this is just an advice from me. On the other hand, these are some advice that I could give you. 1. Pick a topic that you can relate to or have some knowledge so that you can discuss it to respondents. 2. Start a discussion that you really like. Example, about food, cars, fashion or something that you think people will have interest discussing it. 3. I have seen that most respondents here in myLot likes anime or like to discuss somethings related to it. 4. Make sure that you will learn or can share something once you start a discussion. I believe that these are just simple pieces of advice. Its up to you now how you work it out. Good luck! Have fun!