
January 15, 2007 11:23am CST
Hello everyone! I just remembered i didn't write anything lately...I wanted to share something funny with you guys.. You know the band Slipknot?...Well, when i was years ago...when i heard the first time the name of the band...i didn't know what it was..."slipknot"..what is that? "SleepNot"?..didn't make sense so i started making associatios..maybe it's like those american jokes that end up in NOT ..and i thought of that name long time ...before actualy looking it up..and seeing a total different thing from what I had in mind...The point is sometimes we just take things as they are given and don't try to look at it from every possible angle...and that is what keeps our life limited.. So... What about you guys?..ever had such a moment of confussion?...ever had some band being called in a funny way like i did?:P Speak up, people! That's why we're here! :)
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