feeling a bit down

@fabwisp (1327)
January 16, 2007 1:59pm CST
I am not feeling too great at the moment. Fast approaching 30. 3 kids the youngest only 2 years old. Feeling frumpy and stuck on the shelf. Tried taking a bit more care in my appearance but the 'oh don't you look different' every time i leave the house just makes me wanna put bak on my comfy joggers n baggy tops! I know I'm just feelin sorry for myself but am feeling like no one will ever wanna take me on and I'm lonely. If anyone wants to give me a swift kick up the bum...then go for it! Feel bit better now. xxx
2 responses
• United States
16 Jan 07
Why feel sorry for yourself when life has brought you kids of pride and joy. If I were you, I would be happy because I've made it 2 see that long! But when that special some one comes along and takes you on then......you might feel better! U think?
• United States
16 Jan 07
Awe I'm sorry you're feeling so down. But I bet with little effort you can be a hot babe again...remember you have 3 kids and someone thought you were hot stuff! You need a sitter and a girls night out...30 is the new 20, that being said go get 'em girl!!