When will the honeymoon stage be over?

January 17, 2007 12:01pm CST
Just married and i am still in cloud 9. Whats the deal about hoenymoon stage? Cant this feeling last forever?
6 responses
@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
20 Jan 07
To my opinion, the honeymoon stage should last forever. Realistically though, it seems it doesnt. But it should. In a relationship, partners should keep the love burning, the interest going, the excitement constant. I want to think of my relationship that way. It is true marriage consists of ups and downs but that doesnt mean the honeymoon is over. It doesnt come and go. It just need a little spice now and then. And "honeymoon" isnt just about what u did on the wedding night(",)
• Philippines
20 Jan 07
i like the last past...so true
@ghost1380 (871)
• Philippines
21 Jan 07
i think honeymoon stage can last up to 1yr.
• United States
18 Jan 07
Unfortunately it doesnt. I think the feeling only lasts as long as both people with allow. We get used to day to day things and forget to do the little sweet things for each other.
@selina0625 (1379)
• Philippines
18 Jan 07
Unfortunately no if you ask me. I'm not saying that I have an unhappy married life, what I mean is that after the wedding you and your husband are so happy because of the celebration and the honeymoon and the excitement of finally living together. But later on you'll have to discuss the bills, the inlaws, the secret mannerisms of your mate that you never knew before that will annoy you and things like that. Moreso when the baby comes.I'm sure you know what I mean right. But sometimes those honeymoon stage feelings comes right back, like you were just bf and gf. That's married life, it's sweet and it's sour, it's up to you both to avoid making it bitter.
• Philippines
18 Jan 07
well ive been married for almost two yrs now but we're still on our honeymoon stage...i guess it wont last as long as the love is in there...
@jojopuff (520)
• United States
17 Jan 07
My husband and I have been married for over 4 months and we're still in the honeymoon stage! I think it just depends on the couple. I think the feeling can last forever, even though you will have ups and downs throughout life. It just depends on how much each person gives to the relationship and how much you guys grow in your love for each other! :)