Will you care for your parents after marriage?

@alextki (923)
January 19, 2007 4:56am CST
If your wife is not allowing you to take care of your family, what will be your reaction? what will be your advice to her? Will you care for your parents,brothers and sisters after marriage? or you will obey your wife's words and live for her?
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16 responses
@anil_762001 (1636)
• India
19 Jan 07
yes i will care for my parents after marriage.and if my wife not allow to do so .... i will through her out of my house.
@alextki (923)
• India
19 Jan 07
Im also wondering at seeing his statement..
• Malaysia
19 Jan 07
Are you serious with your statement?
@classy56 (2880)
• United States
19 Jan 07
well i take care of my mom an brother,i give them money an help pay their bills an plus buy food if they need it an my hubby dont say a word unless i go to exstrems about it.i always tell my hubby when he starts to tell me no dont do that!remember{what goes around comes around}.then hes ok i never hear another word from him about helping them.
@alextki (923)
• India
19 Jan 07
What goes around comes around.. nice word.. i hope this word will work out in most of the places.. Good
@classy56 (2880)
• United States
19 Jan 07
you never know we might need help from them someday
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
i would definitely take care of them after marriage. they are still my parents....and marriage can be broken by divorce or annullment but you can never replace your parents. you are from their own blood and flesh. and think of the years they spent with you. i'm not saying that you may replace your wife, i'm just saying that there is really no good reason for you not to take care of your parents after marriage.and what if you didn't take care of them and afterwards, your children did the same thing to you...how would you feel?
@alextki (923)
• India
31 Jan 07
thats good thing to take care of your family, since they have sacrified their life for you throughout their life..keep me posted dude :)
@cheerldr (594)
• Philippines
30 Jan 07
If my husband won't allow me to take care of my parents'siblings right after our marriage, I will get angry at him because he's mentally incapacitated. In the first place, I will make sure that the person I choose to marry loves my family, too.
@alextki (923)
• India
30 Jan 07
you are matured dear.. keep posting here :)
• United States
30 Jan 07
You should tell her your reasons and I'm sure they are very valid. I want to get married someday and work and I also want to help out some of my family members that would really need it. And I would expect my husband to be okay with that. Maybe you guys can compromise... you help and she can shop a little for herself, or better yet, let her help her family too. If it were the other way around, I wouldn't mind my guy helping his family members out... if we have it, why not? It's always good to share your blessings. I would think so highly of him.
@alextki (923)
• India
30 Jan 07
Nice to see your response here, keep me posted :)
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
That would actually depend on how 'care' would mean. We always do care for our parents unless you are the other type. And we are actually there in emergency case and occational issues with financies. But if you mean support especially financial, then that would mean a lot of money and that's where argument comes. Most likely, your partner would complain if you still have to support your family even if you don't have enough for your own. But if you can afford to help like send the sister to school and yet your partner don't agree, then that's an issue with the attitude. Be reminded that once you get married, you already leave the support responsibility with your family. That's why you have to finish your part before going into marriage. Or you can just talk it over with your partner before tying a knot. You have to talk such matters to set an agreement and not fight over it at all when your there already.
@alextki (923)
• India
31 Jan 07
Its a nice response.. keep me posted dude :)
@ichampin (593)
• India
20 Jan 07
I think i would marry the girl that is not having problem with my family members and efforst I do for them and if however, I get the girl who is not interested in helping in my family members and resricts me too, I would make her understand the situtaion that if I won't take care of my parents then nobody would. I have to help them and if she understands then it is good otherwise I won't listen to her and one day when she would be the mother and then his son ignores her by listening to his wife then she would understand
@alextki (923)
• India
30 Jan 07
good suggesstion..keep me posted..tahnks for your response dude :)
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Definitely i care for my parents even after my marriage.
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Definitely i care for my parents even after my marriage.
@ashjoe76 (1422)
• India
20 Jan 07
I will have to find way to convince others how much my parents mean to me. If I am in good terms with my parents and want to help them, it would be really strange when someone stops me from that. I will draw a line where another person can and cannot interfere with my personal decisions. If it is my spouse, I won't ever create a situation where she is not well-looked after, while I look after my parents. That would not be ideal. If there is a balance and sensible way of setting priorities, everything must go well.
• India
20 Jan 07
we should care for them ...and my wife never told to not care for them...and if it could happen i cudn't obey her...
@shobasvk (787)
• Malaysia
20 Jan 07
I will take care of my parents..but about my siblings..I think they are grown up like me and able to take care their own self.If my husband neve allow me to give money or to take care my parents,I will start an arguement with him.At first I'll try to tell him nicely and try to make him understand..If he still in his will,then I don't care about him..But i'm sure if my husband is an understanding person,sure he will agree with me. It's not fair for a person say that it's only you I need and i don't care your parents.Before I know my husband,Im with my parents and I know them first..So the first is goes to my parents.Rite or wrong.You can't just shake your head andkeep quite..Life is full of give and take.And same thing applies to us.Give respect to your partnes feelings and be equal in everything.
• Philippines
20 Jan 07
Ofcourse, it is a lifetime long commitment for me yuor friends, gf/bf, wife/husband may leave you but your family will always be there for you no matter what.
• India
30 Jan 07
well i am not a husband but a wife n let me tell you , your right there are such problems in society but not all wives are like that. to be frank in our case it me who makes it a point to send in money n supplies to take care of them as they live away from here. n yes a ll uu guys should take care of ur parents n if ypur wife objects find out y , n then make her understand and stand by u.
@shorva (923)
• Philippines
19 Jan 07
yes of course. they are still my family. although money might be an issue with this one, you know when you're married, you really have to prioritize your family first most specially when you have a child,and i guess that's when disagreements with spouses starts. it's really goin to be tough if my husband disagrees, because we all love our parents, you can't help but care for them...
@smartnrich (1067)
• Malaysia
19 Jan 07
You should tell him the best reason why you must takecare for them.We have no 2 or 3 parent in our live, just 1.