Dropping Sehwag from the one day squad

@tvmmak68 (181)
January 21, 2007 12:44pm CST
Do u think that dropping sehwag for the first two one dayers against westindies played in India will do good for him.I think it was a bad move because in the indian pitches i personaly feel he could have regained his form due to the low bounce and batsmen friendly wickets.since world cup is around the corner it was a bad move to drop him.what do you say?
3 responses
@addict (172)
• India
21 Jan 07
you might be right somewhere but selectors couldn't bear him anymore without his form so they dropped him. yes he can gain his form while playing in #ndia but after loosing so much in this season Indian team cant take risk. and as per as regaining form is concerned he can play domestic matches for that. its the only option left with him. i wont be surprised if indian team don't bring him West Indies for world cup if he keep on playing like this only.
• India
21 Jan 07
ofcourse its a best idea to do so atleast in this way he will get his best out of him
• India
21 Jan 07
it is a tough question to answer..because there are two ways of answeing tis..one is for him..u r right in indian pitches the bounce is low and the wickets are batsmen friendly, so there is a chance for him to gain his form and moreover the domestic cricket is over and he would not get any match practise also.. but to speak against him, if he doesnt perform again and india loses this series also then india would lose its confidence of winning the world cup...also india is more important than sehwag..