Lets Idolize qualities and not people

United States
January 28, 2007 11:47pm CST
Often, it seems to me that to err is more human when in pursuit of spirituality, success, socio-economic causes, we end up idolizing the person. A person who is idolized by communities, countries, social groups etc would not haev attained such a feat if he was devoid of those qualities that made him great & loved amongst the masses. Its this human quality of idolizing mortal beings, that we divide nations, cutures, communities. I, in no way , demean the concept of idolization or establishing a road map for generations, but i do "challenge" the concept of the idolizing mortal beings . If we idolize quailities & deeds, we , from different nations, cultures & communities will learn to follow great deeds and qualities !! Its not the person that wins a nobel prize but his contribution or deeds that brings a greater good to the society . Its not the saint that shld be worshipped but the sainthood. Such demarcations & differentiation of idolizing man over their qualities and deed create a difference of opinion. Lets idolize Kindness instead of a kind person bcoz he may posses ceratin more than just kindness to be idolized . These are my views . I invite you to put FWD your definition of immortalization through idolization!!
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