How do i know the guy i love feels the same thing towards me..I'm male

July 3, 2006 3:12am CST
He's a man between 20-30. His name is Avinash.He owns a clothes shop,and he & i am from india. I go walking by the road where his shop is situated just to see his face. He stares at me as if something has happened to. Whenever i loook him he looks me too.
4 responses
@squallming (1775)
• Malaysia
27 Mar 13
You should start by entering his shop and talk about the items. Make some purchases on the clothe he sells if you have to. At the same time, slowly build a relationship with him. Try to grasp if he is interested in female or male through conversation with him. If he is interested in female, then you will have to give up somehow. But if he is interested in male, then you should try making him likes you. Good luck!
• United States
3 Jul 06
What conversations have you had already? I am assuming because you know his name you have talked to him at least once.
@imnutz (288)
• United States
3 Jul 06
Have you tried talking to him. Go look in his shop and talk to him about the items. You will get a better idea from his words and actions. Let us know what he says.
3 Jul 06
You should go in and talk to him about his store. Please do not be upset if he is only staring at you because you are staring at him. He might just be curious about why you are always walking by and looking at him. Good Luck. I hope it turns out the way you want it too!