My cousin just came out of the closet

United States
January 30, 2007 11:04am CST
First off, I live in the south, and unfortunately most people around here aren't very fond of anyone who, for lack of a better term, isn't white and heterosexual. There is racism and hate towards homosexuals in all parts of the country, but the south has a tendency to be worse, or so I've been told. My 18-year-old cousin (male) announced over the weekend that he is gay, and very little of my family has taken it well. His parents kicked him out of the house, and only a few family members will even speak to him. I think it's very sad that this sort of thing happens, but that is how the world works I suppose. What sort of stuff like this have you guys dealt with? Do you think he should of kept it a secret until he was ready to move out on his own because he knew how his parents (and rest of the family) would react?
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1 response
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Thats terrible. While I don't support homosexuality, I wouldn't stop loving the person because of it. Its sad that there are still people like that out there, and that he has to deal with that at such a young age.