How to stop a 2 year old from Cussing?

@minerc (1373)
United States
January 30, 2007 10:39pm CST
I babysit my Nephew's girlfriends little girl and she says cuss words, he mom says she gets on to her even pops her mouth, I won't hit her she is not my child, I tell her not to say it but I can't get her to stop. Any suggestions on how to get her to stop.
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5 responses
@mirage108 (3402)
• United States
2 Feb 07
try tobasco sauce. it works for my daughter. and there is no hitting involved.
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@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
2 Feb 07
It does hurt them. Even in the small amount it can burn the mouth, and it can upset their stomach really bad to the point they puke from it. Back in the day, parents always turned to soap in the mouth, pepper, or hot sauce, however this generally was a good concept when used on a child who was older than the one you are dealing with, one that could actually reason and understand why they were having this done. But for a 2 year old who is mimicking what she hears at home, this would come off as a frigtening experience and if you had to do it constantly because she is at the age where she still cannot reason why she does all the behaviors she does, then you would wind up spending all day with the hot sauce--think how upset that little girls tummy is going to be, yet she probably won't understand why you were doing it. Children of that age especially, have short attention spans and so when you discipline in such a way like spanking or in this case hot sauce, she wouldn't even remember why you were doing it by the time you did it. But she would learn to fear you for what you did. You have to try to reach through to her by explaining why these words are icky words...and positive rewarding the positive behavior, and not give her the attention she is probably trying to drain from you by doing the bad behavior.
@minerc (1373)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Thank You! I will have to get some of that, I always thought that type of stuff would hurt the kids. Thanks again.
• United States
17 Mar 07
maybe in the 80's! My parents did this to me and maybe this is why I love spicy food so much, but pain is the ultimate result, as is hitting. I have a 3 year old though and man do I have to leave the room sometimes before I do something I will regret. Usually a change of pace, or topic will get them uninterested in doing bad things. You've made me hungry, time for some tacos!
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
1 Feb 07
hmmm obviously, this 2 year old is being exposed to that foul language in her home environment. So, as long as that is occurring, there is little you can do to discipline her on it. She has learned that the bad behavior is acceptable behavior and now you want to discipline it, and her mother disciplines her for it but doesn't try to figure out why she is doing that or doesn't know she is doing it because she hears it in her environment. Disciplining it will be difficult because of that very reason. If you want to attempt to get her to understand that the words she is using are indeed inappropriate, then, when she is with you, you will want to give her an incentive to work towards. -Make a calendar with her (let her help so it becomes special and personal). -Buy some sticker stars. -Explain to her that the foul words she sometimes uses are not nice words and that kids and adults should not say them. -Tell her that every day she spends with you she has a chance to earn a special star if she doesn't say the 'icky bad words', and she can put that star on the calendar before she goes home. But if she says an 'icky bad word' she will get no star. -Tell her that she can earn a star every day of the week that you watch her, and if she earns one every one of those days she will get to pick a surprise from the 'goody box'. Get a shoe box and decorate it pretty, and fill it with some inexpensive items that you will wrap. This will give her something to look forward too and she will feel so proud when she earns something. You will have to be consistent and patient, and realize that as long as she is going back into an environment where she is obviously learning these foul words, that it will take just that much longer to retrain her, and help her understand it is wrong. Also, keep her busy with fun and educational activities. This will keep her mind on something else and not give her the time to use the words she has learned.
@minerc (1373)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Great Idea's, I appreciate this very much, I will try these it might work I have trully been at my wit's ends with this. Thank You so much.
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
2 Feb 07
No problem minerc, I'm happy to help. It irks me beyond when parents fail to see how their own actions and behaviors are indeed imprinted on their kids. Hope, with a little patience from you, that you can be a positive force in this little girls mind and life.
@Jshean20 (14349)
• Canada
17 Mar 07
If I was caring for a child who started swearing, first off I would give him/her a warning informing them that I do not tolerate that kind of language/behavior and inform them of what will happen if they should do it again. If I were you, I'd take away privileges that they have throughout the day (eg-watching a movie)and of course let the parent know about what went on so that they can deal with it in their own style.
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• United States
31 Jan 07
Unfortunatley there is not much more you can do than tell her not to say it. She obviously has been around swearing way too much. She is only saying what she has learned. The only way to have a child that does not use these words is not to use them. Your girlfriend must use this type of language in her daughter presense therefore she has picked it up when learning to talk she really does not know it is wrong at this young age. Just continue to correct her and let her know it is a bad word. In the mean time talk to your friend about the amount of cussing being used around her child.
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@minerc (1373)
• United States
31 Jan 07
My Nephews girlfriends says she doesnt cuss, I have a hard time believing it though because of the child. Im just at my wits end, I don't know how to stop it. Thank you for the advice.
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• United States
17 Mar 07
Keep her out of the room when the TV is showing an R rated movie? You would be suprised by what a two year old soaks up from movies like Saw and The Grudge. Unfortunately many parents think that they don't know what is going on...until they find their kid strangling the neighbors cat or worse yet, younger sibbling! These little people are tender and should be treated as such.