love yourself or others first?

United States
January 31, 2007 9:45am CST
Do you think it is important to love one's self first (or put one's interests first) before loving others? Somebody told me that in order to love other people, you should love yourself first. It's just like saying you cannot trust another if you don't trust yourself. But what about the age-old value of putting others' needs first before yourself? What's your view or opinion on this?
2 responses
@Pluntt (232)
• United Arab Emirates
8 Apr 07
wow this is a deep question to answer, especially since i have been drinking tonight but i will do my best and read this in the morning and may edit some if not all my opinions. Well i think you need a bit of both. In order to love yourself i think you need to be able to love others. I feel it is more of a cycle. When you love others you see that it makes them feel better and thus as a result/side effect, you feel better and thus by loving them you slightly loved your self (if that made any sense) You definatly need to put your needs in front sometimes but definatly not all the time. If you think about it there are lots of times when people are not asking this of you. At this point in time is when you put your needs ahead. Yet when someone needs your help, that when you put their needs ahead. There is a right time for everythings. Its true though at times your needs coming at the same time as someone elses needs, so what do you do? either you can try to forfill them both and do an alright job with both of them or you can try to fill one of your needs and forfill it completely while leaveing the otherone un touched. There are many people in the world aswell which you must remember so if you dont fill your friends need at one point he may be able to get one of his/her other friends to fill their need. Basically i think people need to have many friends in order to avoid having to decied these types of questions. cheers Plunt
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Apr 07
Okay, Pluntt, I think I'm somehow getting most of what you're saying. It all boils down to "it depends on the situation", and that a deciding factor would be the existence of so many friends in one's life to be able to decipher where the feeling comes from and/or where it is going to. I hope I got that right. Happy drinking! Cheers to you, too! Happy myLotting!
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Apr 07
I have to agree with archer on this one. I don't know if it is possible to love another unless you love yourself first. Also, it is said that if you don't love yourself, how can anyone love you? The only living being on this planet I know of that can love someone else is without loving itself is a dog. I guess that is why, they are considered "mans' best friend". I can't say there aren't people that love others before themselves, but I am for sure not one of 'em. I am a true believer in love yourself, because guess what? You are going to spend a lot of time with yourself :)
• United States
8 Apr 07
That's a very good insight. I have never thought about the dog not really into loving itself. I just thought that they tend to be loyal to their master. Very interesting! Oh, and I agree with you, that one way or the other, we will be left with ourselves to tend to. Thanks for the response!