The Dog Whisperer

United States
January 31, 2007 6:11pm CST
I find that every single dog owner I come in contact with finds Cesar Milan to be a God. I totally agree. The way he gets these dogs to behave is a gift.
2 responses
• United States
1 Feb 07
I love Ceaser! Our dogs have come so far just from what I have learned from him. I watch all the time just to reaffirm what I have learned and my whole family really benifits from him. I wish I could meet him myself.
• United States
1 Feb 07
Yes, I've practiced some strategies myself. I do that little ::tst:: sound and he reacts.
• United States
1 Feb 07
The best thing we learned was to ignore them when we come home. They used to jump all over us and now they relax faster and don't knock us down!
@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
12 Sep 07
It's nice to see someone out there getting back to basics and really into the nitty gritty of why dogs act the way they do. It really does stem down to the smallest of things, and I absolutely hate trainers that don't stress the importance of establishing a hierarchy with their dogs -- it always causes so many problems. He really does know what he's doing, and I wish so many animal rights activists would get off his back about his 'aggressive techniques'. He always stresses that things like pinch collars are not a long term solution, but simply one that reinforces training in the meantime to make the techniques you use in the long run easier on you and your dog. It works, so they shouldn't knock it. Dogs DO need a calm, assertive pack leader -- anyone that has done their research on dog psychology and wolf-pack hierarchies really should understand that.