Why Are Teenage Boys So Much Harder Than Girls?

United States
February 5, 2007 1:33pm CST
My teenage son is been a lot of trouble in school compared to my daughter there only year between them. I know a lot of it is my kids have been though a lot because of my ex there father. Now he tells us he wants to be like his dad an uncle which both have been a lot trouble an got away with it. Now he thinks he can. Running out of options to get him back on the right path. Killing me inside to see him destroying his life like this. Any Help would be grateful.
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1 response
@kabes_20 (192)
• Australia
5 Feb 07
I dont want to say anything that may up set you, but I belive the boy needs more love and stability, not saying that u arnt giving that, but I know when my mum and dad split, my mum was always preoccopied with what was going on between then, she always showed me lots of love but I lost the structure of our lives, and I guess I went off the rails abit.
• United States
7 Feb 07
Thanks for you comment. I try to do a much for them as I can. A lot of the problem is what there dad has put them though.