Homelessness can be solved

United States
February 7, 2007 5:22am CST
There is a program out there that takes the homeless and gives them a home or an apartment, counseling, without asking them to deal with their addictions or mental problems. This organization takes them out shopping for clothes, furniture and food, no strings attached.It makes sure that the homeless person is taking the proper medications. The theory is that a homeless person is not in a position to deal with addressing their problems. They are to busy trying to find food, a place to sleep and protecting theirselves. Giving them a place they can call their own, and knowing they are not going to get thrown out, these homeless, once settled can begin to think about their lives: addressing their problems and becoming a productive citizen. This organization claims that the average Homeless person uses $100,000. on average per year for medical, and social services. That amount of money is more than it would cost than to give them a place to live and call their own. It costs more to leave these people on the street than to give them a fresh start. This idea is catching on in some communities.
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